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Defaults when starting up

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Can someone tell me where or how to chnge the default United States Air Force to United States Marine Corps on the load out and also the squadron etc.

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Guest rscsjsuso5

don't know what u want but u need to be more specific / more detail on your problem.


trying to help you and also enjoy your stay

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Well, when I start up WOE and start a single mission, I pick the aircraft and when I load it with weapons it asks for paint scheme, markings and squadron. What i would like is, instead of having to change the markings and squadron that it shows up as what i want automatically. Like it is usually USAF but want USMC with a USMC squadron. I have sp2 and am running vista.

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Guest rscsjsuso5

u will need to got your aircraft data and change it from usaf to usn and thus your skin nation if you want in textureset.




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Might help to know exactly WHICH aircraft you'r talking about.


Why not just pick a Navy or Marine version of the aircrft??? They're all the same, loadout-wise. With some exceptions for really peculiar weapons


Have you LOOKED at the loadout screen? You'll see those little drop-down buttons, you can change you aircraft/squadron/skin, etc from there.



kevin stein

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