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Trees in Afghanistan

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Hi gang. I have Afghanistan working fine in my SF2 Europe mod install. I've modified airbase files to create an Iranian and Taliban presence for single missions. I think I have all of the files for trees but I dont' see them show up like in the Afghan/WOI home screen. I suspect the tiles are not right or something. How can I make it work in a Europe core, without an Israel core?


I've been through the KB and nothing specific shows up.





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I have no SFP2 game, but in the first seria you must also copy the .tod files in the other game. Extract them with the tool and then copy to the terrain folder..

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OK, I suspected as much. I'll have to see hwta they look like. I'm not sure the .tod files have the same layout but they might. It looks like the farm fields are just recolored. There aren't many compared to the desert and mountains but it IS pretty bleak over there, right?

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Try these from my deployment. Granted it was in the more eastern part, so it varies, I'd advising to Google it :good:


Suffice to say the nearer to a water source, the more propensity of trees, but that sometimes isn't the case..

Edited by EricJ

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Thanks Eric. I'll check those out. .tods should do it.



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Well the TODs did the trick but not from GermanyCE. I downloaded the Israel update from here and got a look at the Israel .tods. Found the nomenclature to be very close and went with that. Just had to add "IS" to the beginning of each file. So they became ISFARM1.tod and so forth. I copied the most similar tods for each .bmp I could match and it looks like it's working well. Thanks for the help.



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Okay that's great! Howzabout some screenies?

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Sorry Eric, I forgot all about this. I'm working on screenies tonight. I'll try to take one and post it.

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Sorry for the wait dude. Much props to the creators. Here are my screenies and the all important TODs. The folder is your afghan terrain folder. Oh yeah, this makes trees on runways. Got to get that tweak. I have low settings for my slow agp 4x slot.






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Looking pretty good, and you just adapted the Israel stuff to it? I'd ask Gepard though for the mountains...

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Yes just adapt it. I'll check on the mountains later.



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