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Guest British_eh

TIR problem

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Guest British_eh

Hi there:


So, new TIR 5 and software. Everything is fine, I switch between myself and gunner, OK. Look at some aerial views of the train as it goes past the base, and when I return to cockpit view, there is no airplane. I get to pan with the hat, and the same thing, no airplane cockpit view is available. Any ideas?






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Try assigning "Virtual Cockpit" first. Enlist a random pilot (one who you don't care if you mess things up and he dies), go to "Quick Combat", your aircraft sitting on the field. Hit "Escape" and the drop down menu gives you options. Choose "Controls", scroll down until you find that "Virtual Cockpit" is unassigned. OK. Choose an unused key...try "V"...assign that key command to emulate "Virtual Cockpit". Now try mapping that key command to your joystick. A good trick is to also assign that same button for Virtual Cockpit to F9. F9 on TrackIR "centres" your head, giving you a forward view. So in that way, when you select that button on your joystick, it transports you to "Virtual Cockpit" and also centres your head at the same time.


Hope that helps you out. I can't think what command might return your cockpit back to you, but this might work.

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By the way F8 to select gunner is a TrackIR key. If you mean your TIR stops working then reassign it in TrackIR!


OR use shift+f8 instead. This is "cycle BACK through the gunner views" but only 1 anyway.


See the FAQ it's in there.

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Occasionally I have this, that the aircraft around me isn't there.

It always came back, when I went to an outside view and back again.


And, as Pol says: check all key assignments of TrackIR and change them, where necessary.

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Guest British_eh

Thanks so much guys for your suggestions. I had selected Q and W as TIR controls. I tried all combination's of getting the V Cockpit view and in the end, thanks to all, I have reassigned my Joystick to F3, and my extra buttons on my Throttle to TIR.


IT WORKS :grin:






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