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Von Paulus

Shaking when diving?

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Yesterday I notice for the first time, that when I have a "prolonged" dive, the image starts shaking.

I suppose it's a shaking effect simulating stress over the plane.

Am I right?

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When your wings tear off...you can assume that's a 'YES' :lol:

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I get that as well and I assumed that it is the aeroplane trying to dispense itself over a large area for you going to fast... so I try not to do it too often... as I have enough trouble keeping a pilot alive for more than 5 hours without him learning to fly without the aid of an aeroplane or having the new fangled backup device called a Parachute... :yikes:


Though some aeroplanes want to scatter their numerous nuts and bolts all over even when doing something as simple as start the engine...

Edited by Pacman

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