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Dual video

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Guys I was looking at some new computers (For the future) and making sure OFF will get the most from it.. my question an option by dell was dual video cards pls tell me if OFF would be better served by a dual video card and what are the advantages thanks

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am sure you will get alot of different answers....


as i understand it,,,off is neither sli nor crossfire enabled..


now not saying there is no performance benifit from dual cards...but dont see it being as great as a game that can take full advantage of dual cards.


BUT,,,it would foolish to build a computer just around off3...as god knows what the requirements will be for off4,,off5 etc etc...


if your thinking about the dual gpu cards...look into the stuttereing problems they have had in the past with 2 dual gpu cards


and once you get past the headaches,,and in some instances...heartaches...think about building your own...its very fullfilling

my brother paid 4500 (yep...4500) for his gaming rig from dell...i built mine for 1300...he has i7,,i have e8500,,,he has two 9800's in sli,,i have a single 8750...but thats a BIG price difference...

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Yer..And dont get me started on Packard Bell!

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I have worked at a company using Dells for 24h/7days for monitoring the production lines, all the PCs were 4years old only problem were some TFT Screens.  


Edited by Dutch_P47M

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Before you give your First Born to Dell for a game rig, give this place a serious look




Too soon old, and too late smart. I've had 3 Dell's, as is this one. Too Much Crappola I never used, and other than Power Packs or Video Cards nothing Non-Dell will fit


No More, but right now I can't afford a New One Anyway




PS . . my first Dell, you even HAD to use their power supply



Thanks for the help i checked that site out it was impressive....does OFF run on a 64 bit OS I saw they had windows 7 in 32 and 64 what is the differences between the two thanks al

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Mi dos centabos:


I bought my computer in 1998. The case and the floppy drive are all that remain of that (except in closets and the pole barn). Everything else is at least third generation and purchased seperately or in compatible groups (vid cards, cpu's or cpu/mobo or cpu/mobo/hd, etc.) and installed by yours-truly, and I wouldn't consider myself all that computer-savvy. Putting it all together is not that difficult, as most connections are relatively idiot-proof and most gear comes with the necessary cables and instructions. The key to doing this sort of thing is read before you buy. Really read the specs, paying particular attention to interconnection and power requirements, otherwise you might wind up with a PCI-E video card and a motherboard lacking the appropriate slot. OR you could find your shiny new super-powered rig with a serioulsy underpowered power supply (hmm, three uses of the word 'power' in the space of seven words...not bad heat.gif ).


Good luck.

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