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Server list showing games

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I know there is at least one pilot out there who gets to see games up in his server list when he is entering mp....


forget who it is,,but anyone who has this luxury, let me know..


would also need to know if they always show up, or its just an occaisional thing.

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LAN games will show up in the server list but not WAN games.

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actually,,,not completly true....


I was testing a mission one night,,and did it in mp just to be sure there would be no problems,,,there where some other players in a game with stump, and my game showed up on someones server list,,,


so they joined my game (without even knocking i might add)


my thinking is,,if it worked once,,there has to be a reason why it worked,,and if we can figure out why it worked,,,maybe we can get it working for everyone all the time,,



no place to hide,,,,,,,,,

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I know there is at least one pilot out there who gets to see games up in his server list when he is entering mp....


forget who it is,,but anyone who has this luxury, let me know..


would also need to know if they always show up, or its just an occaisional thing.





I see games all the time. The most I've ever seen at one time are two but they are one's I've been in before..... like yours on Saturday. I was hosting but saw your game when we came out of my game.

I've been looking thru files trying to figure out where that IP may have been stored, guess I should have done a search (duh!).

In RB we were able to figure out that if we put the IP's in the mp file of the known servers that anytime they were up we could see them even without the meta server........



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well,,here is something to chew on...


game keeps the last ip you connected to in your uisel.xml under the <multiplayer> section...


in addition, there is an mpsettings.txt file in your campaigndata\default folder that has everything in the multiplayer section from the uisel, but on mine, it did not update the ip of the last person i joined. and i also noticed at the end,,there was no </muliplayer> ,,which seems like there should be..


and,,in the appdata\microsft\cfsww1 folder,,there is a recent.dat file...


it has some of those special charaters in it,,but it also has alot of ips in it,,(at least on mine)....


but i still am leaning on the need for a certain port to be open,,,,,,,

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The game shows up on the server list for me all the time but as far as I can remember I have only seen yours or Dutchs games. No one eles.

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If you 2 could watch next time your about to get into mp, and hit the game list link...then hit refresh,,,at the bottom it will say connectin to gamematch server,,or something close to that....


interested to know if it comes back with can not connect (which im pretty sure it will)...


And if the oppurtunity arises to have several ppl put up games,,,(ppl that you have connected to in the past is required),,,and see how many of them you see in your game list.


Im not sure if this is something because of settings at your end (my guess)..or settings on the ppl hostings end,,,,,


but if we can find out why you see games,,,see no reason why we cant make it possible for everyone to see games that are up, (again,,,think its necessary to have connected to that person at least once before)

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