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just curious...do we all have to be on the same versions of ts? noticed ts3 is out,,not sure if i should get it or not.

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just curious...do we all have to be on the same versions of ts? noticed ts3 is out,,not sure if i should get it or not.


I have been using it for a day or so and have a TS 3 server set up. It defaults to a different port but it might work on 8784 (TS2's def. port), just haven't tried it. I think it's a bit cleaner sounding than TS2 but who knows. I doubt that TS Overlay will work with it but again, no try.. I'll try and connect to the server you guys use now and see what happens (as soon as I find the password).


Can't connect even when I change the port to 8784.. TS2 connected fine.

Edited by GaryR

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