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My gunner needs a kick up the arse

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Airfield attack with the Fe2b. I get there, can see hangars and aeroplanes and even troops, but my gunner won't fire. The German gunners don't seem to have this worry as they shoot at me all the time.


Is there any way I can order him to shoot? He doesn't seem to have a problem firing at aircraft. Maybe I will ignore this type of attack, as I ignore the scrambles as being suicide.

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Hi Jim, i'am not sure if you can order him,what i do is hit the F8 key and take control of the gun while the pilot flies the plane.

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You could try to switch your TAC to "buildings" or "vehicles", and then mark

a target with a yellow bracket - then press "wingmen attack" (see: "Controlls").


If that won't work, he may just not be supposed to attack ground targets.

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Interesting and intelligent argument, UncleAl; that's why I never attack buildings,

and vehicles only occasionally.

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Yes, UncleAl - I always envy you for your rockets.

Should be fun to devastate a whole hangar.

Tell yer what - when I'm back in Berlin, I'll start an Entente campaign,

where they give me those fireworks.

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Guys the rear gunners priority is air defense....


Or the front gunner in this case.


Anyway, the bottom line is that the Fee, lacking a gun for the pilot, is incapable of strafing or balloon-busting unless you get in the front seat yourself. Targetting ground objects won't make the gunner fire at them, and balloons seem to be a type of ground object. I don't recommend shooting yourself, however, because handing over to the AI pilot at low altitude often ends tragically (in the case of strafing) or makes you fly away from the balloon back to where you're supposed to be (if the balloon is a target of opportunity).


So basically, the only way to attack ground targets with the Fee is to bomb them. But you shouldn't be bombing things because the Fee is a fighter grin.gif

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