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Track IR 5 & Clip Pro Question

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I have read through the help file here but I wqas wanting to know if anyone had the track clip pro that fits on the headset?


I have one otw to me as a present and wanted to know any info about it.



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I have read through the help file here but I wqas wanting to know if anyone had the track clip pro that fits on the headset?


I have one otw to me as a present and wanted to know any info about it.





My experience with the Track Clip Pro is that it doesn't offer any real advantage over the hat-mounted reflectors unless you are in a room with bright lighting or want to use a headset. Works fine, but in my opinion is just one more USB cord to get tangled up.


Your mileage may vary.

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Hello All,


I am just getting used to the TrackIR at present and the fitting of the Track Clip Pro is a pain. As many users attest, the clip is fragile and often breaks (but covered I think under warranty) and it doesn't sit particularly well on my Sennheiser headphones: it always wriggles around. Also the Sennheisers sit at a different position across the top of my head each time I use them, so I cannot just jump into the cockpit and fly: I have to go to the TrackIR program and check that they green dots don't interfere with each other by wriggling the Clip around.


I am thinking:

a) Don't use the Clip, but I have paid for it and it is supposed to be good,

b) Try getting a nice, big, solid manly hair band and trying fitting the clip to that.

c) Try fitting it to a cap or something similar.


I had also considered powering the LED's by battery, but that might be a pain in itself.


Any other ideas?




Edited by GeorgeBoles

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well I have the software installed and the stuff should be here tomorrow if UPS gets it right. If not monday should do it.


I got it for christmas so they ordered it all and im just trying to see who has played with Tir5 alot and whats working the best.


I was also wondering about the head set not being the same everytme as well. I may just run it using it w/o the pro clip as well and see how it goes. I am mostly worried about the amount of time it may take to get used to flying with it. I have alwys been a fan of cockpit only sims but hat switches just dont work well in a dogfight at least for myself.


Also the use of body english as im flying may result in some strange views at times.... :grin:


anyways... can't wait to stay up all night working to getused to it this weekend.

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Hi Chaps and Chapesses.


I think I have worked TrackIR out so it works for me: only took about 12 hours of mucking around !!


(Firecage, your Body Language will not be a problem.)


1. No Track Clip Pro (the LED frame on a stalk on the headphones). Instead I just use the Track Clip Vanilla on the cap. "Why?" might you ask (or perhaps you might not).


a. I found that in extreme head positions, or if my headsets sit differently on my nonce, then the bottom two LED images interfere with one another and I get a "no tracking" error - everything just stops.

b. In my room I get no infrared reflections off anything. In fact, I get more artefact with the Track Clip Pro.

c. I have 50 years of experience in knowing how a cap fits and it goes in roughly the same place each time.


This has produced very reliable tracking (better over a greater range of head movements than with the Track Clip Pro.) I will post with the other TrackIR thread my other thoughts on the profile.




Edited by GeorgeBoles

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1. No Track Clip Pro (the LED frame on a stalk on the headphones). Instead I just use the Track Clip Vanilla on the cap. "Why?" might you ask (or perhaps you might not).


a. I found that in extreme head positions, or if my headsets sit differently on my nonce, then the bottom two LED images interfere with one another and I get a "no tracking" error - everything just stops.

b. In my room I get no infrared reflections off anything. In fact, I get more artefact with the Track Clip Pro.

c. I have 50 years of experience in knowing how a cap fits and it goes in roughly the same place each time.


i second that. bought the track clip pro a year ago. very unreliable, only fits on a headset (i don't use headset). never was really able to set it up. on the other hand the normal track clip works perfectly. cap is on about the same place each time (though only about 25 years of experience in wearing caps). track clip landed back in the box and is stored somewhere unused. waste of money imho.

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get the hat clip.....


someone sent me the led thing a while back ago...they couldnt give it away,, so i took it rather than see it tossed...its way too big, heavy and bulky to even think about using..

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Ok I have been testing Tir5 and the 2 different ideas and here is what I found so far.


The Track pro works alot smoother and did not tend to have as many wild mis-reads. This leads to means being able to track and enemy plane easier and not over react on movements.


The Clip pro must be lighter than you had I guessing. Mine clips on my headphones easy and fast. Didn't even notice the weight at all. It will swivel now so you can kinda put in a few different positions.


Only real problem withme is I do not like using headphones when im playing and you need them to make the clip pro attach right. I went to the military surplus store and found an old head mic set and no headphones. SO im going to take that and mount the Clip Pro on the side and use the old mic from the orig WWII and see if It will work on TS.


I think the clip is worth it for the smoothness and more accurate. Its a wierd contraption to look at so don't let the wife laugh at ya when your wearing it :lol:

Edited by Firecage

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I had both the track IR 4 and clip pro for a year and only just started useing the clip pro :P


I find it is smoother and more responsive than the reflector clip for the hat.


Either way you are going to look like a compolete burke when playing so dont worry about it.. already had my family laughing at me..

Then they asked questions what it does. after they say me play for a few mions with it they thoughh it was a cool contraption.

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Clip PRO Users,


Nnnggrrrhhh ... I obviously am doing something wrong.


I tried desperately to get the Track Clip PRO to work, but all I got wasthe tracking just stopping altogether , which happened when the bottom two LED's interfere with one another, and also I lost tracking when looking left, presumably because the LED's start to disappear behind my noggin.


Where EXACTLY and how EXACTLY do you orient the LED's on the Track Clip Pro so you don't get this problem.


Everybody (apart from me and a few benighted souls on this thread) say that the Clip Pro is FAR better than the reflective Clip Vanilla.


Help would be appreciated.






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