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CTD on Some Maps with Certain Planes

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Occasionally, I have planes that will cause a CTD when trying to fly a single mission after selecting them. CTD happens before the hanger screen. My most recent incident involved selecting the B-1B and trying to play a single mission on the Himalayas terrain. It will crash to desktop before I get to the hanger screen. On every other map it works fine. I'm confused as to what to look at next to solve it. Any ideas?

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If my mind serves me, the Himalaya airbases are MEDIUM, and the B-1B requires a LARGE airfield at a minimum. If you create it as a single custom mission it loads fine.

Edited by EricJ

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Would I mess the B-1 up if I changed the base size to medium? blink.gif

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I'd doubt it, just hit burners and you should be okay...

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Guest rscsjsuso5

just my two cents on the issue i would either put small or medium mostly small for the size of aircraft that would be point number 1 the other point would be to make sure your aircraft data is correct meaning the lod is correctly stated and the aircraft performance /engine /fuel section is stated cause sometimes the aircraft can either explode or ctd.



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Nope, sorry. Wrong.


Like EJ stated it's airbase SIZE; it has nothing to do with how the physical model in constructed. This has been an ongoing issue since the 06 patch --

To state it simply:


Large aircraft need large runways.

There is only ONE large runway in the entire series -- Runway 4 (or airfield 4)


However, that having been said, you CAN change this line: (shown is the B52D)

















you can attempt to change to MinBaseSize=MEDIUM. But you may wind up trying to take you Buff or Bone off from Runway2, which is substantially shorter than Runway4, which is again shorter than Runways 1, 5, and 6, even though it's classed as a medium runway.

But personally, in the case of the Himalya terrain, I seriouly doubt you'll be operating a Buff from a base that's at 10+ thousand feet above sea level


Or, you can just do a simply copy/paste of a Runway4 set up over the exising medium runways on the Himalya terrain; which may cause other problems of the airbase NOT fitting within the required flattened zone for airfields.


I direct you to the ever ignored Knowledge Base, for a post on this selfsame subject:




although Dave's conclusion of using SMALL is slightly incorrect (as it should be MEDIUM), the gist is there



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench
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