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Guest Eject

Invicible, undestructible Carriers - UNealistic!

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Guest Eject

Hi, I've been with WOI and WOE for less than 1.5 years now, and that I have learned quite many of them. I decided tho, to dump my WOI for HDD space sake. So, I keep only the WOE.


I have DL-ed from here a couple of Carriers, landed on it (India's carrier) alone and took off leaving the empty carrier. There's no MiGs on it.


My question is, HOW do we make those Carriers sustain some damages. even sunk them???


Kevin, hmm, Wrench said once here that Carriers by default cannot be destroyed due to the .ini in the game. I find it very unrealistic that Carriers cannot sustain damages. So, which changes can we do in the dot inis in order to make the Carriers can be sunk, at least sustain damages???


BTw, the word Invicible in the box of TOPIC must read INVINCIBLE!


Thank you.

Edited by Eject

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well, back in the day if you crashed while land at the carrier you would sunk it.


than TK fixed it in a way it can't be sunk, unfortunately.


i hope it change some day, but til there we can do nothing, because its hardcoded.

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To make carrier "sinkable" You must remove all parts which are related with aircraft start and landing from data.ini file. I mean: deck ,catapult and aerofinishers. Of course after this You can't use this carrier for aircraft operations. It is the game limitation.

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Well...i got an idea, but like all my ideas....is crazy.


Put 2 carriers:


1 Is a really "aircraft carrier", so you can take off, land, and of corse, never get sunk.


2 The other, is somewhere into a target zone, so its a "ship", you cant take off, cant land, but it will be sunk.


In this way, if it works, you have a carrier working and the other side can found and sunk your "carrier"

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That requires scripting, which if you make the real carrier disappear a certain time after you take off. Then it replaces it with a destroyable "carrier". So far you can make things appear in game, but not disappear to make it work.

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This is what happens when you ONLY pay attention to 'modern' stuff, and overlook the obvious WW2 answers.


As someone stated above (and this has been known since carriers first came out with WoV), they're unsinkalbe/undamagable because of the collision meshs for the flight deck. These selfsame meshs are what allow you to land and take off them them.


The answer was quite obvious, as also stated above; simply remove them from the data ini, create a completely 'new' vessal classed as WARSHIP, and have them do their thing. Several of my WW2 PTO, and 1 or 2 of the MTO terrain mods have the _T class vessels. They look real good in convoys, or CVBGs. AND you can add an operational carrier as well. AND you can even add Gepard's cheater invisible airfield for use in standard/garden variety game-generated single missions. Now, mind you, the invisible airfield will be a sea level, so you "it breaks my immersion" guys will have to just look the other way during take off.


It's a game limitation we've had to live with since the 1st carriers (3rd party addons) came out. No other way around it, then how I've outlined above.



kevin stein

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Guest Eject

This is what happens when you ONLY pay attention to 'modern' stuff, and overlook the obvious WW2 answers.


As someone stated above (and this has been known since carriers first came out with WoV), they're unsinkalbe/undamagable because of the collision meshs for the flight deck. These selfsame meshs are what allow you to land and take off them them.


The answer was quite obvious, as also stated above; simply remove them from the data ini, create a completely 'new' vessal classed as WARSHIP, and have them do their thing. Several of my WW2 PTO, and 1 or 2 of the MTO terrain mods have the _T class vessels. They look real good in convoys, or CVBGs. AND you can add an operational carrier as well. AND you can even add Gepard's cheater invisible airfield for use in standard/garden variety game-generated single missions. Now, mind you, the invisible airfield will be a sea level, so you "it breaks my immersion" guys will have to just look the other way during take off.


It's a game limitation we've had to live with since the 1st carriers (3rd party addons) came out. No other way around it, then how I've outlined above.



kevin stein


Thank u verrry much gentlemen! U too Wrench for ur -- always -- thorough explanation (is it a correct English phrase?). Understood.



Thank you all for your time. I really enjoy my staying here with this great site. :salute:



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