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It's A Conspiracy!

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About 3 weeks ago, I bought a new ATI graphics card since my GF4 had burned out and was non-functional. Well, I install the thing with Omega Cat drivers (they rock), and test it on my software. It was the first time I had ever gotten the BSOD with XP ever in my life. After a day of optimization, most things are running smoothly, so I go out and get Farcry. "No", my puter says, "Not even when hell frezzez over will you run this game." I was like OMG! This card is for the most part twice as fast as my old GF4 ti4600 128mb card. Well today, I became fed up with it. I went back to Fry's and exchanged the ATI for a Geforce fx 5600 256 card and all my computer can say is "Thankyou, I won't melt when you play LOMAC anymore."


Now, the whole conspiracy theory of mine is that how does everything work great with nVidia and goes from bad to worse with ATI? Even with new XP service packs, re-formats, driver rollbacks and updates (LOMAC players KNOW what I'm talking about), this ATI's performance is mediocre at best with all the tweaks in the world? I know that most devs get freebees from nVidia in terms of hardware. Yet, everywhere I look, I see the logo; on walls, magazines, games, and websites. It's getting as bad as the Budwieser ads in Texas! Ads are one thing, but come on, now we have to buy the bloody video card that the friggin game was 'optimized' on? Who's with me here?

Edited by zagnut

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Not me.


I'm an ATI user...all the way.


Your problem may have been the MOBO not liking the ATI card...and not the Software. There are just to many things that can come into play. I've had 100% good luck with ATI up till now. I'm having difficulty with Battlefield Vietnam. But so is everyone else. NVidia just released a new card...and ATI is gonna follow up with a better one in 15 days....which will I choose....ATI...all the way




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FarCry works great on my 9600XT, smooth at mostly high settings, granted this is just with the demo, as I don't play too many first person shooters, but had heard alot about this game, so had to try it.


Sorry about your experience, it may have been an incompatibility, or a bad driver set, I don't use the Omega's myself as the ATI Cats do a great job for me. Running the 4.4's without any problems at the moment.

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Could it be more like ATI+AMD=good? or Intel+nVidia=good?


or ATI+Intel=bad?


I don't know, but I do know that Liquor+beer=good, not the other way around.

Edited by zagnut

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