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TrackIR5 or TrackIR4

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Anyone want to help me out in understanding why I should spend $50 more for the TrackIR5?


Advise would be appreciated.

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The TrackIR 5 is supposed to have a wider FOV and a higher refresh rate.

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In other words, you can move your head more and quicker without it losing tracking over the 4. That said, I've had a 4 almost since its release and I've never had an issue with the refresh rate. On occasion I've moved my head out of the tracking area, but it's brief and easily correctable.


I think the only reason to get the 5 over the 4 is if A) money isn't a concern and B) you're the type that wants the best there is. While the TIR3 really wasn't as good as the 4, I think the 4 fits in the "good enough" category.

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