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Vimy Ridge Missions

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Vimy Ridge Missions

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Four missions that recreate the Battle of Vimy Ridge from April 9 -12, 1917. Make sure you have Stumpers Sopwith 1/2 Strutters that are available on TS. Other wise if you just want to play these offline just go into MB and replace the AAA Strutters for the OFF default Strutters.


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Where do you place the mission files? I have tried several locations with the same result. The game locks up.

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I put the .xml files in the training folder inside the missions folder located in the main game files. The game may be locking up because you don't have Stump Jumper's AAA 1/2 Strutters. If not you can download the Strutter files from Teamspeak or you can open the missions in Mission Builder and swap out the AAA 1/2 Strutters for the games stock 1/2 Strutters. If you use the AAA Strutters you can play the mission online. If you swap them out for the OFF stock Strutters you can only play the missions offline. All the other aircraft used in all four missions are stock and should cause no problems.

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Actually just noticed that ever since I updated to Hat in the ring none on my user made missions work. The only way they show up is if I put them in the Germany,Britian,etc folders but do not work, just lock up game. WEIRD!!!

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That's to weird! I hope no one else has simiar problems.

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Can you please post a link to the Strutter skins? I cannot find them at TeamSpeak.

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I will ask Stumper if he can put his planes in the download area.

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