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Flak Burst Effects

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I just added the more powerful flak bursts by Canadair to WOE, It's a very impressive mod. However all the flak bursts now are just a white puffs and I'm not sure why. In the readme for the mod it doesn't say anything regarding this, so I'm guessing it's my mistake. But does anyone know why/how this could happen, and how to fix it.





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By default, all weapons use the same flak burst effects in TW sims. You must physically edit the various caliber guns, in order to utilize different effects. I use the default effect callout for guns 85mm and above, and separate effects for the 37 and 57mm weapon classes.

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What are the names of the different effects usable?


Thanks for your help


Well, you need to have the effects for the smaller caliber guns, as they're not ThirdWire defaults. When I wrote them back in 2005, I christened them 37mmflakeffect and 57mmflackeffect.


You then need to associate the effects with those weapons, in the gundata entries. That can be done quite easily in SF2, and Killerbee covered exactly how to do so in the knowledge base.

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