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Nick Tselepides

A Case Of Nostalgia

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:P The Fairey Gannet, on HMS Ark Royal--a cranky but great to fly plane, as its pilots all said... It is my dream to make a plastic kit of this one day....and to see a good one for a flightsim game....


And of course, the Sea Vixen big, heavy, with its navigator closed under that bulged opening hatch to the right of the cockpit and seasted lower than the pilot. This is an FAW.1--the FAW2 had extensions to the booms beyond the leading edge of the wings which had extra fuel.I have made the FAW 2 mark already, using the old Frog 1/72nd model and Modeldecals items, and won an award with it at the Athens IPMS Modelling championships back in 83...



Both from HMS Ark Royal's sixth comission.


;) Come to think of it, the FAA shut up its navigators in tight spots either by flaws in design or on purpose, or even through sheer lack of ergonomics. The Gannet has the navigator shut up in the window bulge you see just in front of the roundel marking--poor sod.


Note the orange color of the centre-line--usually redder in most photos.

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Hey Nick,


I found the following post on Sim-Outhouse:


SIM-OUTHOUSE Fairey Gannet Project.

This thread relates to an earlier thread on this forum :http://www.sim-outhouse.com/forums/...p;threadid=8902 .


Bazzar(Aeroplane Heaven) and Michael Davies(AlphaSim) are joining forces to create a Fairey Gannet especially for the delictation of our happy band of virtual thrill-seakers.

As Michael suggested I'm going to sticky this missive for all to peruse, over the coming weeks, the status of this great project.


Many thanks to Barry and Michael for getting drunk enough to suggest and agree to this undertaking.








"To err is Human; to forgive is Devine"


Hope they complete it soon!



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Thanks Pete boy,


I have the Brian Douglas Vixen--the nose shape is wrong up front, and the color too blue. The best Vixen is the ALPHA sim one, which I must have sent you--look for it. It is for k2, but perhaps it also works in k4.


The news on the Gannet is good.

Take care,



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