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Guest Eject

SUEZ 2 Revisited

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Guest Eject

Hi Wrench,


As instructed by the developer of this Terrain, I re-read several times the READ ME. So, I used Polak's Desert. For the SEAs (1, 2, 3 ) I found the solution. It worked pretty well, yet the WATERsomething dot bmp, I replaced with that from other really good Terrains that was only 225kb instead of Polak's more than 1MB that look not so good my Seas.


Problem: there must be (my) problems with the Original (SUEZ 2) Tile and that of Polak's Desert. This is what happened and still does: When I hit F7 to see some Enemy or Friendly GroundObjects, they are sunkened (buried) when seen (using the Mouse) from certain angle, yet, when I moved the Mouse up or down, they were like sanwitch (aah! mispelled) effect I would say. I could see that those GroundObjects are a half or completely buried under the (really good seen from hi-altitude) add-on (???) Tiles from Polak. 


I have taken a couple of Screenies for u to check, yet, I must first hear from Dave/Admin re my UP LOAD allotment. Do I still have it? My Screenies are total only LESS than one MB in ZIPP format.


Thank u for now. Excuse my typos. See u later, gotta hit the road again tonite. Be back tomorrow.



BTW Wrench, I am NOW UpLoading them in Zip. It will be in my Gallery perhaps, so must move it here later



No, I cannot upload anymore. Used up my 3MB Global Quota.



Edited by Eject
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Suez 2 terrain is originally made by me in a time when the in the ground sunken objects still were no problem.

To solve it:

1. open file Suez2_data.ini

2. look for line



replace with




Should work, but the terrain will not more as hilly as before.

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you can also download the black HM bmps I created right after the issue appeared with the 08 1st GEn patchs.


what these do, is "fool" the game engine ™ into thinking it's a hard surface. Also, as Gepard instructed, change the HMS number to 1.



kevin stein

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Guest Eject

Suez 2 terrain is originally made by me in a time when the in the ground sunken objects still were no problem.

To solve it:

1. open file Suez2_data.ini

2. look for line



replace with




Should work, but the terrain will not more as hilly as before.


Thanks so much Geph. Nice weekend. Any chance u guys expand the IsraelME Terrain to include IRAN? I am now digitally flew the Iranian F-16A, just shot down several IAF Falcons, and the French Mirages. Thanks for the great Is-ME and Suez 2 Terrains. Be productive always. That what makes the USA (previously, alas) so great!

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ah, no. An Iran/Iraq map already exists.


that's a completely seperate map, with no correlations between the Isrealo-centric maps.

Meaning: if someone WANTED the entire middle east, from the Med shores of Isreal to the eastern mountains of Iran/Afghanistan (and points between), a totally new terrain would need to be built.


the i/i map IS back in the TE for a total rebuild, but not expect ANYTHING before next year. Too many projects, too little time, and too few people actually doing things.



kevin stein

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Guest Eject

Understood Wrench. I just thought that aloud. Recall when I wrongly said in my previous post on "merging" more than one terrains? Now I understand why that is impossible.


BTW, re the SUEZ 2 again, it kept me wondering why all my air-bases have no central command towers; no hangars, even I noticed there are no ammo bunkers????


How to add all those things? I have tried copy/paste (C/P) such objects from other good terrains -- such as the Is-Me or Is-2 -- the whole dot bmps, tgas, and lods of them. No luck, even after adjusting them with the necessary dot inis....


Oops! Forgot to include the following issues, for ur info ---->>>

1. I have DL-ed the Irak-Iran Campaign, also the necessary Terrain I believe; yet, all my flying machines exploded on Runways.


Same thing happens in SUEZ 2 even after the necessary mod based on ur and Geph's suggestions.


I would like to fix it. Perhaps u could give me hints on which inis to twiddle with re the exploding planes (all of them) when taking off on the Runways of Suez2?


Thanks Wrench, and to anyone who can help me.


Anyway, now my SUEZ 2 looks really great after I did what Geph and you advised me to. Thanks again.

Edited by Eject

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