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Winston DoRight

Winston's Saturday MP sessions

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Announcing Winston's Saturday Multiplayer Sessions! Our motto: "No Pilot left behind." ALL skill levels welcomed. Beginners will get the help they need to get started. Intermediate pilots can increase their skills. Advanced pilots can mentor the others and we'll all have great fun as well. Are you frustrated with the quality and abilities of your AI wingmen? Nothing is better than flying with a human player at your side.


We'll be starting early here in the USA to accommodate the european pilots. If you've always wanted to give multiplayer a try, here's your chance.It's really rather easy to get started. If I can do it, anyone can!


Things you'll need:


* Over Flanders Fields Phase 3 with the "Hat in the Ring" expansion and the latest patch.

* A headset with microphone.

* Teamspeak installed: http://teamspeak.com/?page=downloads Teamspeak setup instructions here: http://drop.io/nngaxed

* Teamspeak overlay (optional but recommended): http://www.projecttint.com/teamspeakoverlay.php

* MadMatt's essential multiplayer files: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autocom=downloads&showfile=9131

* Stumpjumper's Strutters (get the download links on the teamspeak server in the Over Flanders Fields briefing room).

* 1917 in-game Grid map: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10489


If you've not connected in multiplayer lately, one test session with myself, Sitting Duck, or Vasco to see if you have Teamspeak working and all the OFF files needed to connect. Just PM one of us to set it up or drop by Teamspeak and see if someone is there. This needs to be done only once but before your first Saturday to ensure that you are properly sorted out beforehand.


Sitting duck has a great multiplayer tutorial here, worth reading: http://forum.combatace.com/topic/38466-sitting-ducks-multiplayer-tutorial-please-read/


It's really rather easy to get started. If I can do it, anyone can!



* Sessions will be held each Saturday and start on 30 Jan at 10am USA Pacific Time. That's early evening in western europe. I'll be logged on for about 6-7 hours so if you can't make the start, don't worry. Come in when you want. Here's a time converter to your local time: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html


* It's not required that you attend every Saturday. Fly when you can, we'll make every effort to be here for you. The more time you put into it, the more you'll improve your skills.


* Only co-op missions will be flown, air to air and air to ground. No Player vs. Player dogfighting.


* "No Pilot left behind." We will focus on getting you up and running with attention to developing the skills you'll need to be successful in multiplayer such as flying in formation, protecting your wingman, re-grouping after an encounter and teamwork.


* Focusing on "Beginner" to "Intermediate" skill levels, but all skill levels welcomed. You Veteran and Elite pilots can be a great resource. Come and help the new guys develop their skills.


* All aids will be enabled (TAC, labels and external views). You can turn off what you don't want. As we progress through the weeks, you may want to try turning off and on labels and external views from time to time. This will help you prepare for Vasco's Sunday sessions (if/when you want to graduate up to that) that are flown with no labels or external views.


* At first we'll be flying campaign missions with RNAS-6 in Nieuport-17 BIS. You'll face enemy of varying skill levels and perhaps even an Ace flight from time to time.


* Learn how the multiplayer interface works and host your own games.



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EDIT: Oops! I see there is a dedicated multiplayer forum up a level...

Someday I'm going to get a headset and try this MP thing out.

Edited by Bandy

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..........Someday I'm going to get a headset and try this MP thing out.


Sittingduck found this deal online: http://www.gearxs.com/gearxs/product_info.php?products_id=12760


Walmart has a few decent ones in the $15 price range. newegg.com has an enormous selection and some of the inexpensive ones are quite good. I've had my Turtle Beach $20 'phones for so long I'm about ready to splurge on a quality set soon.

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Here's the formation diagram we'll be using for the Saturday sessions. It's important to fly in formation so that we all reach the enemy at the same time.

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Sittingduck found this deal online: http://www.gearxs.co...oducts_id=12760


Walmart has a few decent ones in the $15 price range. newegg.com has an enormous selection and some of the inexpensive ones are quite good. I've had my Turtle Beach $20 'phones for so long I'm about ready to splurge on a quality set soon.



Heads up on these headphones. Prices is great ( i bought 3 pairs)...sound quality is EXCELLENT, but they are behind the head only (the head band is NOT adjustable), and the ear "cups" are large, and pretty much cover the entire ear. Only problem is altho the are not at all heavy, the ear cups do tend to start to "hang" on the top of your ears, and after a while, this got annoying for me. But, still a great starter pair of combo headphones/mic

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Some screenies from our first Saturday MP session. Would love to have some new players come and check it out. Remember, no adversarial contests, only co-op missions.


Photo 1: Loopy led the flight home after we patrolled our friendly front lines. We (Loopy , Red Dog, and myself) landed in formation at our home airfield.

Photo 2: We all came back after our 1st mission, patrolling the enemys front lines in Nieuport 17 Bis'. Burning Beard is parked between two of the hangars a bit off screen.

Photo 3: I flew between Sitting Duck and Red Dog. Didn't even startle them. Situational awareness is paramount. They saw me all the time.

Photo 4: Loopy was a great 1st wingman. Close formation flying is important enroute to the targets.

Photo 5: All back after mission 2, the railyard attack with Nieuport 17's and rockets. Loopy clipped a tree on approach and his landing gear collapsed during the taxi to the hangar area.






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Welcome aboard Foxdown another newbie to the online OFFER's.

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We've now completed 9 missions flying for RNAS-6 in the N-17 Bis. Todays Saturday sessions was attended by:



Red Dog


von Baur

Burning Beard



Sitting Duck


and myself


Next week we'll be flying the missions again except from the German standpoint in the Albatros DV. Here's a snap of us returning on a rainy day, Axgrinder in a N-17 Bis, Myself and Loopy in Sopwith Triplanes, von Baur and Burning Beard in Sopwith 1-1/2 Strutters.


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If I may...the installer (MadMatt's) references the hardcore DM, but this seems to pre-date the last patch (maybe?). Is it required? I noted that none of the OFF install would be changed, but it seems the hardcore DM would cause some changes, no?


Kindly forgive me if I should not ask questions here. I've been interested in trying some MP, and I hope this is a good way to find out more.



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Yes,..madmatts is pretty old,,and you can ignore the promt for the dm update.


In addition to the 2 planes madmatss puts in (gotha and zepplin), once you get teamspeak installed, click on the "overflanders fields" room just once, and on the right you will see links for 3 aircraft...struttera1, strutterb1, and n17bis. you will also need these, as they clear up problems that the stock planes had in multiplayer.


if you need any help getting started,,put up a post in the MP section of the forum,,,and either i or someone else will be glad to get you squared away.

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