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Is there a way to get the AI to fire the FIRE_SECONDARY_GUN?

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Is there a way to get the AI to fire the FIRE_SECONDARY_GUN?


On the WW2 aircraft I’ve been setting the MG’s to FIRE_PRIMARY_GUN and the Cannon to FIRE_SECONDARY_GUN but looks like the AI only fires the FIRE_PRIMARY_GUN. All are set to GunGroup=1. I'd really like to keep them seperate for the Human player.

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I'd look to see how an IL-28 or B-52 has their Tailguns set up. I know AI uses those.....




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You know, that is a great idea Gunney. I never thought to use a turret as a "secondary gun". You just have to limit the cone of fire to match the primary gun.

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Look at what TK did with the MiG-17s. He set up both the twin 23s and the single 37 on the primary trigger.

















Initially, the 37 was set as a secondary gun, but we (the modding community) kept inisisting that he set all 3 on the same trigger, as the AI was not using the 37, by default.


Flex guns on multi-crewed AC (such as the aforementioned IL-28 and B-52) are another issue all together, as they're controlled by separate gunners.

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isn't there a piece of coding in one of the dlls that controls this?? The AI has NEVER used the curesed 2ndary guns since Day 1 that I remember

(which is why I've switched all them over to PRIMARY, even if the ballistics are different, on birds like the P-38, Zekes, 109, 190s, Mig15, etc)


just another thing that's never gotten fixed, I guess....sorta like AIR_ASSAULT and the ASW statements...



kevin stein

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Is there a way to get the AI to fire the FIRE_SECONDARY_GUN?


On the WW2 aircraft I’ve been setting the MG’s to FIRE_PRIMARY_GUN and the Cannon to FIRE_SECONDARY_GUN but looks like the AI only fires the FIRE_PRIMARY_GUN. All are set to GunGroup=1. I'd really like to keep them seperate for the Human player.


Unfortunately there is no way to make AI firing SECONDARY_GUN (nor making them using thrust vector for instance) until TK will implement it. That's why I've asked to TK years ago the possibility to have separate DATA ini file for AI and player.

Edited by kreelin

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AI should fire the secondary gun if the range is within optimal range (I think thats set somewhere in the Ai data section, there should be max, optimal, and min range).



Tk posted this to my question. I just tested it. It does work! good.gif



MaxCannonRange=914.4 <<<<<<< range for Primary Guns

OptimalCannonRange=914.0952 <<<<<<< range for Secondary Guns




here's the default from the AIRCRAFTAIDATA.INI






That's why the default MiG 17's don't fire the secondary gun. Now you just need to figue what ranges you want.


Now to convert all my FM's back to Primary/Secondary since each aircraft has it's own ranges grin.gif

Edited by gregoryp

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and this data goes where??? Aircraft's data ini, or a missioncontrol ini??? Or????


It would have to work globaly, not just for a specific pilot type (ie: DogfightAce as shown)



kevin stein

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and this data goes where??? Aircraft's data ini, or a missioncontrol ini??? Or????


It would have to work globaly, not just for a specific pilot type (ie: DogfightAce as shown)



kevin stein


Can go in each aircraft's data.ini and custom tuned specifically for the aircraft or the main AIRCRAFTAIDATA.INI file for all.

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Dogfight only?


Or also ground attack?

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A: you mean like this:




























been in aircraft data ini's since the 08 patch for 1st Gens. They can also be custome fine-tuned per aircraft



kevin stein

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A: you mean like this:




been in aircraft data ini's since the 08 patch for 1st Gens. They can also be custome fine-tuned per aircraft



kevin stein



The other thing I noticed is the numbers appear to be feet, not meters. When set to 300 for the MG-17 the Bf109 literally climbs up the fanny of the Lancaster before firing.

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