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A buggy gun editor, FIRST GENERATION

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I'm experiencing some troubles while fiddling around with guns. My gun editor always crashes when I try to open my existing GUNDATA.ini or when I try to make a Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-30-2 autocannon for my 1st gen WoE (patched to Oct-08), well, I can open the input box for the gun data, but when I try to save the entered values, the program crashes - it simply closes.


I'm running it in Win95 compatibility mode under XP SP3 and also tested the Win98 mode. I haven't found a solution until now, I hope somebody can help.


Greets, Uhu


Edited by Uhu

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Try to redownload that gun editor first.

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Try to redownload that gun editor first.


I've already done that.



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I'm not sure but : Set it as read only or try run it in another drive, or make sure there's no virus.


Hoping The Founder/Modder/Senior/Moderator group could help.

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OK, I've learned something new... There is an article in the knowledge base about the weapon editor, for which you either have the solution of setting the compatibility to Win95/98 or to put it in the root OS folder ("WINDOWS")... I've tested the latter, with the GunEditor.exe and .INI in the WINDOWS folder, it worked well: I could make and save my gun. I'm going to test it now.


Maybe Microsoft has broken the compatibility mode with some kind of Windows Update patch, 'cause I could use the gun editor without problems a few months ago...


Greets, Uhu

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Ok, sorry if it is useless.


Never happen before. Until now.:salute:


But I don't have that gun. Can you share it?



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Guest rscsjsuso5

here is my gundata if it helps it contain most of the guns out their and got it in an old package that was with many groundobjects . for sfp1 and woi tested and also i have great confidence u know where to place it.




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Ok, sorry if it is useless.


Never happen before. Until now.:salute:


But I don't have that gun. Can you share it?




Yeah, of course. I planned to make a conversion for first gen games out of the Su-25 coming with NF4+. as this plane has this gun and not a 30mm-GsH 301 as given in the original model, it gave me the motivation for the mod. I'll only ask who build the Sukhoi for licensing purposes, then I'll upload it (if I'm not permitted to upload my full plane, I'll release it as INI edit mod).


Greets, Uhu

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XP's sp3 caused all kinds of issues with all sorts of things, including (at least for me) the editiors. After I'd patched xp to 3, and found the problems, restored back to just before. Really frustrating.


the gun editor should have an exe date of 11/05 -- and it works with the 08 patch. The Weapons Editor, howver -and you probably know this- don't. So, make sure you have the WoI-style weapons editor.


I guess it IS a sp3 issue..odd



kevin stein

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That is REALLY strange... Two or three days ago, I could use my WEAPONS editor without any problems. Today, it had the same problems as my gun editor - placing it in the windows folder worked too... I am not aware of any configuration changes or windows updates lately...


Wrench, what kind of security software are you using and when did you upgrade to SP3? I'm thinking that maybe faulty antivirus signatures could be the origin of our problems with the editors...



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McAfee AV packge.


Don't remember when I did the SP3 upgrade, 12-18 months??? not sure. But it was only on my system for like 2 days before I had to restore to the 'just before upgrade' point that I'd created just before upgrading (yah, you know -CYA!)



kevin stein

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McAfee AV packge.


Don't remember when I did the SP3 upgrade, 12-18 months??? not sure. But it was only on my system for like 2 days before I had to restore to the 'just before upgrade' point that I'd created just before upgrading (yah, you know -CYA!)



kevin stein


^^ I forgot the system restoration feature... Anyway, I tried it out a few minutes ago. I wanted to restore to a "Systemprüfpunkt" (as my system is set to german, I don't know what it's called in english, maybe "system test point" from 13 days ago. This one didn't work, my system wasn't changed according to the message box at startup, so I tried another "Systemprüfpunkt" from 26th January. Again, there where no system changes reported.


Nevertheless, I'm utterly bewildered, now - both editors worked like a charm at their original place within my game folders when I tested them just before writing this post!!


I've noticed that the date of the "last change" of the "editor".INI was set to the precise moment I've executed the EXE, and that there were maybe some changes in the content of the INI, but I don't remember exactly - args, again tried the gun editor (GE for short, now) while writing here, and again the crash; but the weps editor is still working...


I got some kind of "on-and-off"-working, sometimes, the GE shows the file opening dialog up, sometimes it crashes. One time I actually tried to open my gundata.ini, it crashed with an error reporting some memory addresses where it couldn't read...


I'll try again to restore to a previous system state and marking the guneditor.ini as read-only. I'll report the results.


Ah, before I forget: I'm using the free Antivirus from Avira in combination with PC Tools Threatfire, the latter reportedly being able to work together with other AV systems (using Threatfire along with another AV was recommended in the german IT magazine CHIP, until now, I never got problems with this setting). So it looks like the idea of virus signatures causing the problem is ruled out, or isn't it?




EDIT: Just tried another thing: I opened the GunEditor.EXE with Notepad++ (knowing that it is some kind of a HEX editor). Notepad++ reported that there was an update available, I went for it, letting it close the editor window. After that, I was able to use the GE just for one time (to make a change, I changed the reliability of the YaKB-12.7mm from 100 to 99) without problems. After that, it persisted in crashing while trying to open a file... even if I reiterate the thing with Notepad++.


EDIT 2, after a restoration try: I took again the 26th january point, again with no changes to my system, but this time, there were no improvements in the behavior of the GE. Question: does anybody know a freeware able to monitor and to log the processes occurring while opening an EXE, so to say able to look what happens when the GE crashes?

Edited by Uhu

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