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Numbers in campaign

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I wonder if anyone can help?


I'm having a problem when I add new planes to a campaign - the planes show up with no aircraft number in game - this is both in the loadout screen and the decals which should load. I've checked the numbers.lst file and this seems fine (it works in single mission) but somehow screws up in campaign.


In campaign loadout screen I have the texture name, the squadron name but the numbers list comes up as <none>


Any ideas? drinks.gif

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I have had the same problem. TK told me how to fix it.





21 can be replaced with any number.

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I have had the same problem. TK told me how to fix it.





21 can be replaced with any number.


Actually, if you're using a 3rd party skin in a campaign, use StartNumber=0!

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Cheers drinks.gif


The StartNumber=0 was the ticket - sorry but forgot to specify it was a 3rd party skin. Once again the combatace community comes to the rescue!


Thanks again guys!



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