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SA-13 The SAM thats a Recon's best friend...

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Okay just did a quick flight in the RF-4C in SF2 Europe Nato Fighters 4+ I was the only Blue air mooching about as I was approaching the IP I had a wonderful sight of 4 Mig-23's coming to have a quiet chat with me to tell me this was their turf... Anyway tanks off down low and fast as in 20ft low scream over the target and the 2 SA-13's batteries cleared my way for me they unleashed all 8 of their lovely missiles and swatted 4 Mig-23's of my tail... laugh I almost crashed... and I forgot to take the screenshot... Now normally me and Mr SA-13 have a gentlemans agreement I dont bother them and they dont bother me but today I will provide them as many targets as I can all with red stars on of course... Its a hard life flying Recce without the Mig's trying to kill you... :rofl:


You know I have been playing this game since its first UK release SF1 and there are still some surprises left but this is most likely due to the wonderful work done on the NF4+ mod... :clapping:

Edited by Slartibartfast

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Guest HoneyFox

:lol: Heat seekers with a too high FOV will have such problem that's for sure.


if i remember exactly, SA-13's FOV is set to 30 degrees? mis-locking is inevitable.


but if i change its FOV to a lower value, SA-13 will less likely to fire on me. according to my tests, it seems that SAM missiles don't consider Seeker Uncaged or Seeker Slaved options.



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Guest HoneyFox

Honeyfox it just made me chuckle thats all...





:lol: flying a plane with HeatSignatureModifier=0.0 and then make enemy planes follow me. then go to enemy's heatseeking SAM sites for fun. lol.

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thats no contest, but slarti my man, I do concur-this game does buzz!

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Honey that takes the fun out of it If I am going to get SAM Kill's I like to work for it... and Stick your right on that one it is a buzz..

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