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Last US WWI Veteran turns 109. Urges Memorial

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Wow!...we already lost our last WW1 vet in the UK last year.


109 yrs old... I bet he has seen some things (many of which we would'nt want to see)


I hope he gets his memorial

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With Democrats in control of the purse strings, and this economy in the tank, not to mention Lord Obama in the White House. GOOD LUCK PAL


Respectfully, the purpose of the post was to show how the last remaining US veteran is trying to get a Memorial built for all the brave Americans who served in "The Great War" 100 years ago. It wasn't an attempt to make a political statement about things in the US today.

But since you brought it up - the Republicans had control of the White House and both the House and the Senate for 6 years. Why are you criticizing the Democrats for what they might not get done when the Republicans definately did NOT make it happen when they were in control? What's the worst that could happen? The Democrats don't get it done just like the Republicans didn't? And even if they DO get it done, they will simply be told they are the usual "spending liberals". In my opinion, whenever you tell someone else they are damned if they do and damned if they don't, it's not them who is the problem.


There are plenty of things the current US administration has done which is completely open to criticism for valid reasons. Criticizing them for things they haven't done yet serves no valid purpose what-so-ever. Just a thought.



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Respectfully, because the Republican's never froze the COLA of Social Security for the next two years, as the Democrats have, while voting themselves a rather large pay increase. Also the U.S. Taxpayer under the direction of Lord Obama gave

$900 million to HAMAS, to rebuild a portion of Palastine ravaged by Israel in the War of Retaliation.


So before you point a finger at the past administrations. 'Wake Up a smell the coffee'


I'm not pointing fingers. I'm simply stating that saying Democrats are bad for something that might not do even though Republicans didn't get it done either is a double standard. What does any of the things you just said have to do with the fact that the Republicans didn't get the job done for building a monument either? It doesn't. They didn't get it done or there wouldn't be an argument to get it done now. Maybe the Democrats will fail too. Then this administration and every administration since 1918 can share in the blame of never getting it done. Until their time is done though, you can't blame them for failing before they get the chance. If they fail, they fail like every other one and deserve the blame. If they succeed, they deserve some credit for doing at least one thing right. Judging them on it before they have had a chance to vote is pointless.




And you picture speaks volumes about you.

Edited by Hellshade

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Not to get involved in this political "tete a tete" (but Hellshades point is well taken), your pic of a particular viewpoint just went out to my politically liberal friends!




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Guest Sieben

With Democrats in control of the purse strings, and this economy in the tank, not to mention Lord Obama in the White House. GOOD LUCK PAL


I like this forum a lot more when people don't get involved in political commentary. We represent a cross section of the US political spectrum as well as people from other countries who probably don't give a flying rat's arse about our domestic squabbles. As for the Presidency, I respect the office and the tradition of free elections that it represents even if I don't particularly like the person who holds it at any given time. Let's go fly our kites.

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Well that went down the toilet fast...



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