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WW I memorial

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here is a link showing the DC WWI memorial and Mr. Buckles.



and an interview with Frank Buckles (CBS)




Remember we don't discuss politics in the Mess. enjoy

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Guest Sieben

Thank you, Gordohk, for reopening the thread. Let us honor Mr. Buckles as a veteran should be honored.

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well the DC Memorial is really nice but does not some maintenance and general landscaping. Not really overrun with tourist, somewhat sheltered and oof the beaten path. I haven't been down there for a couple of years



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well the DC Memorial is really nice but does not some maintenance and general landscaping. Not really overrun with tourist, somewhat sheltered and oof the beaten path. I haven't been down there for a couple of years




And apparently it only has the names of the Doughboys from DC instead of from all over America. He is right to point out it's past time to create something befitting the sacrifice of all the boys who fought and died. If they don't, WWI may soon share the moniker of a certain war in Korea. "The Forgotten War".



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