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It is said that Hel's domain was a frozen wasteland

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Thought I'd post a little of what we here in the mid-atlantic region are currently dealing with.


First we got hit in December, with what *was* a huge amount of snow, here's some pics from that storm's aftermath.




When I went outside, that's the first thing I saw. The tonneau cover was rolled up, so that snow first filled the bed, then piled up that high. Now, it is an R/T, so it's an inch lower than standard Dakotas (from the factory), but it's hardly on the street, that's just a *bit* of snow there. lol



My backyard is under there, somewhere....






It always makes me feel really good when I see Old Glory fly, and this one is rather heavy so it takes a stiff wind to do it. Plus with the wintry scene, it gave it all a very Valley Forge feeling to me, so I snapped a couple of it -







This was a really weird overhang, I've never seen it before. It didn't last too long though once the sun came up -





We dug our way out of that, and it soon was washed and melted away. Last weekend (not this past, the one before), we got a few inches that was comparatively speaking, just a light dusting, but that didn't last either.


Then this past Friday night into Saturday we got hammered, worse than before! :yikes:


There was a wild snow drift out my back door -





Here's a similar back yard shot to compare the new aftermath -



(yes, that is a snow blower under all that, but it refused to work this season, so I had to dig out by hand.... twice (so far) )



Thought this was a nice view out the back -



(That big, round, bushy Japanese Maple is about waist high on me)



Kinda thought this one was neat, shows the accumulation on the roof slightly, but mainly just how much the Eagle managed to catch -




Once I started to dig my way out, I wanted to get a shot of just how crazy deep it was -




But that didn't seem to do it justice, so I took another for scale -



I don't know exactly how high my knee is, but I'm about 6'2", so it should give some idea. And that wasn't even the deepest area, that is at the top of the driveway, about halfway down it was even deeper.


And now!..... after we dug ourselves out Saturday and Sunday, we are getting major snow again tonight. As I type we've already gotten several inches. It's supposed to go on through the night, until at least noon tomorrow. About 10 to 15 inches are called for on this go.



For those who are currently experiencing summer right now, if you think the heat is bad, just be glad you aren't buried under all this. :tongue:



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Wow nice. The flag shot. Do it again at sunset.


Also find a spot somewhere the low sun glances of the snow. The low sun can make a surreal image of sunlit snow and the shadows it throws on itself in the setting sun....or rising sun in the morning.


Something like that anyway.

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Weird, I don't see an edit button on my post, I was going to edit the title, try to make it little less obscure. hm


I wish I could take the pics you suggest, but unfortunately, sometime in January, we had a really bad rain storm, and the rain soaked the flag, and the wind took it and just snapped the pole. The weirdest thing too, because it's an aluminum tube, yet the break was clean, almost like it was cut. However it something similar happened to other people in other places over an hour away, and the flag and pole were left here, and otherwise intact, so I doubt it was foul play. Just very odd how it broke. I woke up one morning to see the flag in my front yard dogwood, and the pole leaning up against it. So right now the flag is hanging on the clothes line downstairs until the weather breaks and I can repair the pole.


This storm was bad. A state of emergency has been declared, and the snow has been going solidly since about 8pm last night. It's not supposed to let up until midnight tonight.


It has almost completely filled in the front ramp that I had cleared, and piled up on the truck like it was Saturday all over again. I'd say we have a good foot to 14 inches already.


I was actully just out there trying to dig myself out again, knowing it was still snowing, I figured it to be better than just waiting and trying to do it all before work in the morning, but it was really a waste of time, it was filling in almost as fast as I could shovel it out. It's insane. I may be forced to take another day off tomorrow (the only part about that that would suck would be if the building was open - today it was closed, which has only happened maybe twice in the last 10 years apparently).



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well, should be nice to do a barbecue with this cold.


btw, why the 13 colonies flag? :blink: i do not live in US but i wonder why not it instead of 50 stars flag

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Technically, it's the first flag of these United States, and not of the 13 colonies. It just happens that it was adopted and used in the war that ended up leading to that situation.


As to why, well, I don't want to get way off topic and start any online arguments, so I won't go into full detail, only say that it's symbolic. That I am a patriot that believes in the ideals of The Founders, the ideals this nation was built upon, and NOT with the current communist regime and hysteria that has swept the nation since the days of the hippies. There are more than a few of us who simply can not, with any good conscience, hoist the current 50 star flag.


I'm always open to further discussion in a thread meant for it, or PM though, so feel free. :drinks:



Barbeque you say?! heh, yeah, if I could even reach the grill. :blink: lol


Looks like we are up to about 4 feet of accumulation on the grassy areas. Would be even more but there was a slight melt over Sunday and Monday. Still snowing, with a blizzard warning in effect till midnight tonight, and supposed to just keep snowing until 3, with lots of strong winds. I'm looking at a lot of work tomorrow. I just hope that the office is closed again, because I don't think I'll get dug out until the late afternoon. The stuff I did earlier today is gone. You wouldn't even know I was out there shoveling. lol

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Some pics from Sweden. We got some snow aswell :grin:

Sidenote: taken with cellphone, sorry for bad quality.







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Lol, you guys are frozen with all this cold, here i almost melted today.

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Yeah, but you're surrounded by hot girls wearing thongs, or not very much more if they do (wear more). I'd find that to be way more preferable. grin.gif

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