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Updated FMs No3

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Getting back to the business at hand :wink2: , new FMs for the Nieuport 16, Nieuport 17, Bristol Scout D and Sopwith Dolphin.


Also included are:


- Loadout files in the folders for bombs, Le Prieur rockets to work.


- The Nieuport 11, with updated AI and Loadout File.


All are improved FMs to those done previously last year.


The Dolphin is a 2-Gun version.


The Bristol Scout D is the version with the Vickers, and is considerably improved on the previous FM. The older one had a few problems.


The Nieuport 16 is a bit too capable, but to balance that somewhat it is very easy to lose a wing and it is difficult keeping it stable when aiming/firing.



No3 2010 FMs - Nie11 Nie16 Nie17 ScoutD Dolphin.zip






These are for FE1.


You must have installed "FE Nov 2008 Game Files" component within the "UPDATED FE Plane FMs for Nov 2008 Patch" for everything such as guns, loadouts and pilot models to work properly. It is available here at CombatAce: First Eagles by Thirdwire> First Eagles Add-On Aircraft> Flight Models.






1) I recommend you backup the folders of the above aircraft before installing.


2) Place all the files from this download into the corresponding plane folders in the /Objects/Aircraft of your First Eagles installation.

Edited by peter01

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Y'see, that's what I'm talkin' 'bout! :good: ...


The Nieuports all have that light 'n nimble feel. But push 'em too close to the edge (pulling up too fast from a dive, for example) and they'll fold up on you every time.


The Dolphin, on the other hand feels solid. Heavy, yet somehow highly manoeuvrable all at the same time.


Man, I gotta say: The way you capture the essential, historically recorded flight characteristics of each individual plane is just spooky!


Just an enquiry: Any plans to release FM's for a British (Upper wing Lewis) Nieuport 17, and an early (fuselage side mounted lewis) Bristol Scout?


All the best.



Edited by Southside Bucky

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Why thanks Bucky :drinks: !


All modesty aside :boast:, the ones I'm uploading now are certainly my best efforts :imhappy:. I do recommend everyone tries them out.


I hadn't worked out how to get around the problems associated with slower rolls in my previous FMs for the EP. Once I did (and it is very tricky, takes some work), I could start improving the overall feel and flyability. I think they are excellent FMs, even compared to RoF, and if there is any weakness, it is the stalls IMO. FE stalls are okay (and better than most games), but difficult to make work well, and a little too gentle. Hopefully TK will improve them down the track for FE2. I think he implied this some time ago. And TK has fixed the roll issue with FE2 :good:, and that makes it easier doing FMs.


With variations, okay. From my own perspective now that we have so many planes, I tend to just fly one, with the configuration I personally like. For example I prefer the N24 with two vickers of all the N24s and N27s. But everyone has different personal preferences, and some like variety too, so yes.


But they will be the same FM. Won't do lower or higher HP versions - changing anything makes the FM different, it is work and needs testing etc, and believe me, these are as finely tuned as possible. So maybe all the Bristol Scouts, the Nieuport 17s, the Hanriots, the one gun F2B. Let me know if any more ...


But it will have to wait until I finish all the base FMs, the ones I'm uploading currently, maybe a month or two. Until then just one FM per plane.

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Yeah, as you say, I'm sure we've all got our favourites. ATM, mine has to be the Bristol Scout C, with the off-set fuselage mounted Lewis. It's great fun trying to get a bead on the early German two seaters using that.


Y'know, I never noticed until recently what a great little model the Bristol is. Shape wise, it really is very accurate...All it needs to bring it up to spec is a decent skin or two (Are you listening, Quack? :grin: ) IMO though, anyone using it, should also do away with the ill fitting SPAD cockpit. The original, purpose built one looks much better.


On the subject of FM's for specific plane variants: Apart from the one's already mentioned, here're a few others...Just suggestions, you understand:


FE2d. Is it possible to get rid of the nose wheel for this version?

SE5a with no headrest.

Bristol F2b with and without the upper wing Lewis.

All three Camels, but for historical accuracy, make the 110 Le Rhone Camel perform better than the 130 Clerget version.


Becoming a proper pain in the jacksy 'aint I?

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Some of these are fine Bucky. The Bristol Scouts and the F2b. Had forgotten about the Fe2D, and I'll do that, but as before, same FM as Fe2b but defined as bomber for 1917 and 1918. Don't know about the nose wheel, but will have a look.


Re Se5a it is not a bad idea, but I don't think you can mod TKs models like 3rd party ones - no OUT file to identify the name of pieces for a start.


Have only ever done one version of the Camel, doing different engines is more work, and just not interested in doing that for the Camel. But if you want to do that it is simple. Eg, for the 110hp version just decrease the weight due to the smaller engine, reduce the Empty Inertia values by the percentage decrease in the weight, and decrease the HP. The 110hp version would automatically be more nimble as result. Do the converse for the 150hp. That is all TK does. It works. But it is not what I would do, or would like to upload.

Edited by peter01

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a long time ago I used the"ini" method to remove the headrest from the Se5 so it can be done. it's just like removing any other part you just have to go thru the model with a hex editor to find the part name.I did the same with the wing lewis on the Se5 and Brisfit



edit- the headrests name in the lod go figure is Headrest lol

Edited by whiteknight06604

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a long time ago I used the"ini" method to remove the headrest from the Se5 so it can be done. it's just like removing any other part you just have to go thru the model with a hex editor to find the part name.I did the same with the wing lewis on the Se5 and Brisfit



edit- the headrests name in the lod go figure is Headrest lol



Great Whiteknight. Just tried it and yes it works. Live and learn I guess!


Good idea Bucky, looks better IMO. I'll upload this variation shortly since I have already done it. I'm calling it the Se5aViper for no good reasons other than I have a slightly different FM for the Se5a by that name that I use.

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...Good idea Bucky, looks better IMO...


I'd love to take the credit for the 'No Headrest' mod, but the plaudits all belong to P1oppy...See post No.12 here:




Sure wish he was still involved 'round here.

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Peter, sorry I missed this thread earlier, but am trying to get caught up now. I just discovered Jan released his terrain! Man am I behind the times...


Many thanks for the Nieuport FM's!

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