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I was just wondering if ther was a way to add the prop lod from Wrench's Ki-43IIB mod, to a standard Ki-43 such as the ones by wolf257 or madjeff.



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Guest rscsjsuso5

i believe you can just some small data edits , if you mean to see the aircraft prop spin then yes you can just follow wrench's model and apply it to the original ki by madjeff , as you can see wrench's plane spins from screenshot and madjeff somewhat doesn't so what you need to do is to edit the data , its all about choosing the old and fixing it and making an update. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=5440 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=744


for short cut , if you want the plane but don't like editing data just rename the plane and input skin , easy does it.


all up to you .



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ini edits won't do it, if the issue is LOD related (which is most likely in some cases, or sometime even game related)


the Ki-43IIB IS wolf's standard Ki-43


the one credited to madjeff is probably ArmorDave's Japanese Planes Pak


for ADs, try moving a copy of the prop tgas' into the various skin folder, and see what happens


you negelected to mention, which game and what patch level. Kinda helps, as NextGens handle things VERY differently



kevin stein

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It's WOE patched to OCT. 2008. I tried adding the tga file from the mod package for wolf257's Ki-43 to Armordave's aircraft but with no result.

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Of course it won't ... it's calling for different files, due to how the ADs LOD was constructed



kevin stein

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Of course it won't ... it's calling for different files, due to how the ADs LOD was constructed



kevin stein



Yeah just realized that, oops. But is there any prop lod that will work with it, just to have the disk effect rather than the spinning blades. It's not a big deal though


Thanks for the help

Edited by warthog64

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