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Su-27 conversion for SF2x?

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Has anyone attempted to convert the MarcFighters Su-27 for use with the SF2 series? If not, I started playing around with it myself last night and I'd upload it here (with permission from the original creator of course). My version still needs some more work. Seems to work fine in the air, but it spontaneously explodes if I start on a runway. The hardpoints need some work as well. They don't allow any of the newer Russian missiles found in Killerbee's weps pack.

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There is one in NF4+

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Converted the SU-27 over when SF2 came out without any problems like that.


see here to make sure you got it covered: http://forum.combatace.com/topic/44026-converting-older-planes-to-work-in-sf2-a-basic-guide-by-migbuster/



Yep. I've been using your guide since I got the sim. It's been invaluable. The one area I still don't have a comfortable understanding of is hardpoints. My original problem with the Su-27 was that it could only mount R-13s, R-60s and R-33s. No joy on R-27s, R-77s or R-73s. Part of the problem there was that those three weapons all have the "SpecificStationCode" associated with them in Killerbee's weps pack and the original hardpoints in the Flanker data ini did not. I could add those codes to various stations to make the weapons available, but that also had the effect of making only that specific weapon available. So, I could have a station that would let me choose between R-27s and R-77s for example. This is where my knowledge of the weapons station data is unclear. From studying the weapon station setup of other aircraft, I'm thinking what I would need to do in this case would be to have two weapon station entries for the same hardpoint (they'd have the same group id but different station ids). One entry would have a SpecificStationCode of AA10 while the other would have a SpecificStationCode entry of AA12. If this is correct then I'm still unclear on what the order of the station id's would be. Am I on the right track?

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If you see section 23 - which isnt that detailed but when dealing with hardpoints you have to consider most of the params - so you need to check the missile and hardpoint values too see they are correct - check the nation of the missile, the weight etc etc


As for pylons with two entries, check out the stock F-4D and notice how the AIM-4 and AIM-9s have separate entries for exactly the same pylon

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