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SF1 "Third Party Terrains" ported onto SF2 Terrains?

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Re: Q for TK on Terrain_Types.ini files

icon_post_target.gifby The Wrench » Wed Sep 02, 2009 1:05 pm


Please define which terrain objects? Those in the various cats are still in the various cats; those 3rd Party items work just as well. All I've had to do is make sure the various bits were in the terrain folder in question, and have targets and types ini entries. And mayber converting their ini (if available) to Unicode from ANSI.


I've added several terrains to SF2 (all 3 merged) with no issues using the old tried and true cat pointer line.



kevin stein"No Target Too Small, No Weapon Too Large"


Finally got on the SF2 series this week. Getting the hang of the new format of the SF2 Series.




I have the SF2 Combo setup. Plan to place 3rd Party Terrain onto the SF2 Series. I have read the SF2 knowledge section, no information on Terrains? I did also look through the rest of the combatace thread and no information that I can see so far?


I looked through Third Wire and found the comment made by "Wrench" on Gen 1 terrain into Gen 2.


So, if I understood Wrench's statement... I still need to use the "cat" pointer to mate with the appropriate terrain. I need to change the ANSI code to Unicode (is this only the config.ini and the data.ini, or more)? What other areas that I need to consider?


I did thought about the conversition of ANSI code to Unicode but only the config.ini and the data.ini of the Terrain.


Thank you

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actually, no conversion is necessary. I'm running butt-loads of terrains with their inis STILL in ANSI, including the new KAW terrain. The only real side effect I've seen, is longer than usual loading times (on the order of 3-5 minutes -but that just may be my oldish XP machine)


I haven't check the latest patch, 2/10, but if one were to extract a terrain, say Desert or Germany or VnSEA, you'll find the inis within are also still in ANSI

(edit, yes, just checked; the latest versions ARE in unicode)


So, to answer the question directly ... follow the instructions EXACTLY as stated in the various readmes. Installing new terrains is just as it's always been ... drop the new terrain folder into the /Terrains -note that its PLURAL- in your mods folder, and off you go. PROVIDED the necessary terrain cats exist in the core install.


and read the readmes



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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(edit, yes, just checked; the latest versions ARE in unicode)




Sir, thank you for the prompt post. I just need to confirm that I need to change the ANSI code to Unicode "only" on the config.ini and the data.ini, or is there other areas that I need to convert?


I'll probably end up with a lot more questions down the road.



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what did I just say?

No, you do NOT need to convert the inis; you can if you want to but you have to convert ALL of them, and on some terrains you're looking at converting upwards of 75-100 files. All those peksy inis for the "af" items, all the terrain inis, airfield ins (which may re-extration as a recent 'glitch' pointed out to me), etc, etc, etc.


It's drag/drop. It can't be any eaiser than that. Why make things harder?




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