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Kneemap Graphics Distortion

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Greetings all,


I have widescreen monitor resolution with Aeyes Cockpits installed. All works well with the exception of the moving kneemap where the map's graphics just show horizontal lines.


Does anyone know by chance how this can be fixed? I've the latest drivers and AA is turned off.

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I thought that happened when you switched the rendered in-game from hardware T&L to just hardware? Something like that?

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The kneemap is distorted in Windows 7 - even after the other fixes. No cure I know about yet - apart from downgrading.


If you dont have Win 7 - then make sure you are on the latest patch

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I don't have any kneemap issues. I've only checked the 2D default pits. I'll check Ayes widescreen 2D pits.

Can you post a screen shot?


Falcon AF 1.013 @ 1920x1200

Win7 Ultimate 64bit


ATI 5870HD ( latest stable driver from ATI )


28" HD LCD







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