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just an idea

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i'm sure the devs are going to solve it, one way or another. just wanted to share an idea i had months ago.

i don't know if it would work but maybe it's worth a try.

as long as i know AI can't see through clouds. and as long as i know all cloud layers and other cloud versions are a constant series of single pictures, which, when running, look like floating clouds in this sim.

the devs made it possible to have random weather changes during a flight.

so how about making more clouds AI can't look through, and make those clouds completely invisible. of course it would be only invisible for the players but not for AI. those invisible clouds might be somehow linked to the AI leader or attack/defend mode of the formations. when some parameters in a fight are reached, then the invisible cloud could appear, and the flights would seperate and gain formation again, because they can't "see" each other anymore. to prevent the sim pilot abusing it to make easy kills (because we don't see a cloud) at this moment a message might appear wich says "regroup" or something like that. so we would know it's time to regroup and continue with our patrol. question is of course is if the invisible cloud can be linked somehow to the attack/defend mode and what parameters would activate it (maybe after some minutes, or randomly, or after some damage level, AI-skill level...).

don't know if possible, just an idea, since i know the devs are wizards.

Edited by Creaghorn

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Interesting idea, Creaghorn. Could be technically feasible if what I think I've learned of how OFF works matches the reality. Something needs doing with the situation definitely, because, as you've often pointed out before, the disengagement pattern doesn't match what we read of. It can be frigged with a timid AI but that isn't immersive either as evidenced by the AI aggression choices we now have.


To further discourage players taking advantage of the AI's actions though you'd have to have a parameter that stopped any victories counting until the next batch of AI enemy was encountered. Or, I suppose, you could leave it like DiD and have it on each player's own conscience?


All kudos to the devs though, as you say, they know the problem and will fix it if it's fixable at all. Your idea might give them an avenue they hadn't explored.

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It could perhaps be linked to the ammo counter.


Like this: when the real player (RP) runs short of ammo, and has only 50 rounds left,

the enemy AI re-assembles, and in a way, that they are not at all defenseless.

They would assemble, and half of them would climb above the others; then the lower ones

would climb above the first group; and so on, until they have reached a safe altitude to turn

their backs on the RP and fly home (still checking their six of course).


Another option: the ammo of ALL aircraft is limited and gets counted.

When it's used up, it's over.

That way, the AI would not shoot down all the opponents aircraft. We would see one or two

losses on either side, that's it.

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