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Vietnam Campaign And Carrier Ops?

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Justr wondering if these two projects are still being developed. To be honest, SFP1 has taken a "backseat" to FS9; leastwise it has for me. Although FS9 does not have combat action, the carrier ops capability definitely makes it worthwhile. Plus, the online play is stable. I do have problems with my connections, but my modem is to blame - not the sim.


Any news on these two projects?


Navy Chief

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Yeah, It's a shame. We now have a bunch of Navy planes for strike fighters and nowhere to land them. NEED CARRIER OPS as soon as possible.

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Guest Saganuay82

Seeing how there are sooo many SFP1 forums out there that this may have been covered already.

I did see the work being done on the CVN and was wondering if it could ever be released on a BETA. I have never found trouble in launching with a cat shot but landing is another. If the carrier could be released so as to land and overshoot for circuits, it would be great. That way once the arrestor system comes available that then all would have to be done is catch the 3 wire.

Just an idea........

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Guest Saganuay82

Or as reading in other forums now that it is a matter of the carrier being collidable. Is it possible for the scenery gurus to make an elevated peice of ground the size of the carrier deck? Maybe next to an airfield? Maybe add that to the range scenery?

Just an idea again..

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