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Ice Man

Libya planning map mistakes

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I've downloaded the two Libya terrain packs for use them with "Gulf of Sidra" missions pack,and I've noticed some mistakes about the Sicily cities name.Can I use a program for correct them?If yes what and how?Thanks!




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yes, it's called Notepad, and it comes stock with all computers.


WHICH Libya terrain, as there's 3 versions -- v.3Final being the latest


The Sidra mission pak may use a different version, as v3 was drastically reworked



kevin stein


edit: opps... you said Planning Maps. Welll..... you can change the name in the targets ini with notepad, but for planning maps you have to generate complete new ones, and then use photoshop to add the names. That's what I did. Unfortunately, I no longer have the PSDs I used to create them off the SFMap generated 'base' maps.



Edited by Wrench

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