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throttle problems

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I'm a great fan of OFF. Until earlier this week I had no problems. Between one day and the next the throttle controls stopped working properly.

I have two Saitek AV8R-01 joysticks. Both work correctly in my IL-2 UP20 game and the non engine buttons work in the Microsoft sims. Until recently, all the buttons and throttles worked in the three Microsoft sims I have: CFS 3, OFF/HITR, and FS2004.

The problem: The default throttle controls and the sliding throttle no longer work correctly. In all three games, when the throttle advances, there is a brief surge of power then it returns to idle. In CFS3 and FS2004, the dial needle of the manifold pressure surges from high to low, back and forth. The 3D throttle lever flips back and forth. In OFF/HITR.


I run an XP system.


Here's what I've done: checked for graphics, Microsoft, and Dell for driver updates. I've restored windows to a date prior to the malfunction. I've uninstalled and reinstalled all three Microsoft games. I couldn't figure out how to contact the Microsoft Support for CFS 3. Maybe they don't offer it anymore.

I've checked the FAQ and could find nothing. I've searched the Forum and found nothing that pertained. I did look for a "CFS 3 Reset Button" mentioned but couldn't find it.


I hope someone can help me. On a scale of 1-10. my computer skills are about a 3.

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Thanks for your reply.


Sorry I was unclear. About the joy sticks, I use only one at a time, but I have two. So when I began having troubles, I changed one for the other to see if the problem was with the joystick. Since both had the same problem, and both worked with IL-2, I don't think the problem is with the joysticks.


As for the manifold pressure reference; I had the three Microsoft based flight sims installed on my computer, FS 2004, CFS 3, and OFF. The throttle controls, both joystick and keyboard, in all of these were no longer working. Eventually, after trying various solutions, I uninstalled all three. I first reinstalled CFS 3, and because OFF depends off it, I reasoned that if the throttle commands worked in CFS 3 they would work in OFF. That is why I referred to the manifold pressure dial. When the throttle is advanced, a surge appears on the dial and then falls back. The engine sounds advance and fall with the dial. The game's 3d throttle lever shows a flib forward and back with the engine surges. Oddly enough, the RMP dial doesn't react much to the manifold surges. I included this information, because it's the only visual reference I have of the symptoms.


I also reinstalled OFF/HITR, since I figured that was where I would find the CFS 3 Reset button, but using it had no effect on the problem.


Since none of the throttle commands work in all three games, the problem must lie elsewhere than the games themselves. Whatever allows the games to read and obey the throttle commands, either joystick or keyboard, has been disabled.


I hope you can help. I've really enjoyed playing OFF, but I've run through my bag of tricks.

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Is your joystick calibrated in Windows? IL-2 has it's own joystick calibration, CFS3/OFF does not and relys on your Windows calibration.

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Thanks for your reply. I never knew that there might be two calibrations required. Both always worked before. How would I go about doing that? I looked in my Windows folder but couldn't find anything to do.

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If you are running XP, open up Control Panel and click on Game Controllers. Your stick should be listed there. Click on the Properties tab to calibrate.

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Thanks for the suggestion, but part of the problem is that the keyboard commands have stopped working as well.

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Just returned from Best Buy with a new Logtech Extreme 3D Pro joystick. The throttle doesn't work, and still, none of the engine keyboard commands work. The problem doesn't seem to be in the joysticks.

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Well, short of pulling an Uncleal and telling you read the Sticky threads, my GUESS is that you have not selected "mine" in your configuration settings. Start the game and press Escape key (assuming your Escape key works). Click on Controls, which should open up a configuration box for your joystick and keyboard settings. Near the top you should see a box labeled "configuration." Make sure your configuration is set to "mine."


If it is set to "mine" than the only solution I am afraid is for you to read the Sticky threads.

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