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A Stroll through Aircraft Painting Profiles

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From time to time, I like to stroll throught the "Galleries" at "The Aerodrome" website.

Today, I saw through the many color profiles of Ronny Bar again.

Nice "stroll" with a mug of freshly brewed coffee.


Here is an appetizer (and some links):












One is Manfred von Richthofen's "red Dreidecker", which wasn't overall red here.

Nicely done: the red overpaint on the sides is partly worn off by castor oil fumes.



Edited by Olham

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Most of MvR's planes weren't entirely red. Not even his famous D.III Le Petit Rouge, the upper wings of which retained the three-color factory camouflage through late April 1917. Maybe Albatros D.1177/17 (although he only described it as having a "red body" and there is no 100% identified photo of it painted entirely red). The rest were partially red, even Dr.1 425/17 as it appeared in mid/late April 1917 wasn't all-red. His Albatros C.IX was all red, but it was unarmed and he never flew it in combat, of course. (152/17 was eventually painted all-red and put in a museum but when he scored with it, as his combat reports describe, it was partially red and looked like 477/17 and 127/17.)


BTW, I love Ronny's work!

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Never seen these before, but they are superb. 10/10 for Ronny Bar.

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There is absolute proof as to which airplane Richthofen flew when killed 21 April 1918. The ID of the machine was gleaned from RAF intelligence reports which indentified the werks nummer of the downed triplane as 2009, which belonged to 425/17. It also listed the engine number as 2478, which matches the Fokker Acceptance Sheet as the engine fitted to 2009, which the Fokker Acceptance Sheet further indentifies as 425/17. Without question, Richthofen flew Dr.I 425/17 when KiA 21 April 1918. Photographs and existing fabric show this plane was all red, save for the white rudder. Richthofen's combat report (from 20 April, which listed 425/17 as the plane flown) described its appearance as "red painting."

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