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shipping out

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Well, my nephew goes off to basic tomorrow morning, to Ft. leonard wood, then to Ft. wa-choo-ka (phoenetic spelling) in Arizona. I guess hes going for army intelligence (insert joke here).

Kinda mixed feelings on my part, but I'll keep that to myself, not goin political here.

I never served, but was an army brat for 10 years, so I learned a few things about the army, so the advice I gave him was;


1)Never have or give an excuse, always have a reason.


2)If an officer or you D.I. ask what the fook you are doin in his army, you say "whatever you order me to do, SIR."


3)Perfect will be close enough.


4)Know your enemy and always respect him as a warrior, he is just like you deep down inside, THEN kill him.


5) bottom line is kill or be killed, wether you be a general issue bullet catcher, or a mess cook,


6) war is very ugly, always train for it, but pray you never see it.



Apparently he was told if he has some kinda civic achievements hes garunteed another stripe after basic, besides the pfc thing, I never heard of that, someone fill me in please, on that note he joined the masons and has already been made a 3rd degree, the youngest in california, the lodge is very proud.

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Well wish him good luck for me. I am sure he will do fine. As far as the civic achievements go, if he was like an Eagle Scout for example he can get another stripe. That program has been around for years. I am curious, what kind of mixed feelings? Scared for him, proud? I am always willing to listen to someone's feeling on this. It's a huge step for someone to do this.



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Well, it seems a lot of people join up JUST for the education or the G.I. bill, which seems a bit selfish, knoiw what I meen? and on another note, I REALLY feel we are taking WAY too long getting the job done in the middle east, I hate to see our troops squandered, especially if my nephew turns out to be one of them.

Thanks for asking, Dave, I appreciate it.

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Well that is one of the hooks to get in the military. I have no problem with it. You get skills you will use the rest of your life. I do agree with you about the Mid East thing. One nuke saves alot of man power.

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good luck to him...

may he come back safe and sound good.gif

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Finally got a phone call from Jacob, says hes doin ok, better than the first week, lol. Apparently hes getting tired of being yelled at, LMAO !

says hes wrote letters but hasnt had time to get to the PX to get envelopes to mail them (imagine that)

My mom was glad to hear from him, bein 78 she took it kinda hard, shes seen a lot of people ship out and shes tired of it she says,

All in all the boys doin ok,, BOOYAH!

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Yeah the first couple weeks always suck.

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uh oh! seems the whole barracks was sick, jake is in sick bay with pneumonia


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Oh yeah, whats this "low intensity training" jake is talking about? Boot camp for slackers? I think we need the old "brown boot army" back again



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