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AMRAAM - multi shot ability ?

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I watched a YouTube video about a F16. There was said, the radar can guide several missiles simultaneously.

Does anyone know if this works in F4 AF when the radar is in TWS mode ?

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I believe so, although I can't recall if I've ever done it or not. You just single-designate the first target in TWS then successive ones, then as you fire the missiles they go after the targets in order. If you double-designate into STT of course you get just one.


I usually find that I'm too concerned with evading an incoming missile from said primary target to worry about firing at others!

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No, not in FalconAF.

If you TWS - SAM lock a target and fire that missile will track the target currently soft locked. If you unlock and pick another target the missile will lose the data feed from the F16 and attempt to find a target using it's own radar. This may be the initially selected target or your friend. When firing multiple missiles the last missile will track the proper targets with the other missiles acting as maddogged.


Yes, in FalconOF.

TWS locking properly works allowing multi target selection and destruction.



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