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IR (or TV) imagery on HUD?

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Is it possible maybe to have the IR (or EO TV) imagery projected on the HUD? Has there been any plane released maybe or mod to incorporate this?

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I guess it's possible, since it's just a matter of positioning.


But I don't think it would be that much of a good idea, since it would block your view and it's not essential either. It might be a different if you were actively steering your missile into the target(i.e. the AGM-12 Bullpup or TOW), but that's not modeled.

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you know, to immitate holographic HUD units, (F-16 B40+. F-15E, etc) LANTIRN systems etc ... For night navigation... maybe its possible to have a degree of transparency?

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In this series, TV & RADAR imagery cannot be superimposed against anything other than an opaque (and preferably black) background. That rules out using them on HUDs. Had we had the ability to do so, the MiG-23, MiG-29, and Su-27 cockpits would have had accurate HUD displays, with RADAR symbology projected on to them.

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Yeap it would had been very cool (wishlisting TK)

Dont know which game is it from

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