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Gaza is getting active..

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1 officer and 2 soldiers died just this week!



the second soldier died because of a mistake in identification



and rockets fired at the south all week long, killing a foreign employee working in the fields

luckly keeping casualties' to a minimum


but you know what really pisses me off...

Noam Shalit, father of captive soldier, Gilad Shalit, was in the U.N. not too long ago

he was there tp help pass a law to free Gilad immediately

in one of the meetings of a group of representatives, someone told him that there are palestinians held in Israel that don't receive all their rights..

murderers with blood of dozens of people on their hands

did she really had the nerve to say it to a father who's waiting 4 years for his son? a son that the only fault he did was calling to duty of nation that knows no real peace

for it's entire existence

Edited by Nesher
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If someone doesn't like you, it doesn't matter what you do or suffer, you're in the wrong, and those who are against you or hurt you, no matter what they've done, are in the right or victims or whatever.


People don't want to admit there is no objective "right" or "wrong", perhaps because of their religions, but it's all subjective. Islam can say "we preach not to hurt the innocent", then you can have any old wackjob claim "these people aren't innocent because of this lame line of reasoning" and off they go killing innocents! The very fact that religions do NOT practice tolerance but are instead "all our way or total damnation" is why we have these issues.

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sad thing about events... Major Eliraz Peretz RIP, has a brother killed in Lebanon 11-12 years ago

and now his house is on the list to be demolished in a settelment Ali

2 houses from war hero killed in the "Second Lebanon War", Major Roei Klein RIP, who's house is on the same list.

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