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As you heard the graphics are very good now. A few things that sucks about FC2 is you can't pick a custom loadout, skins (AKA paint job) or your tail number. A few things I love is you can change your loadout with exiting. You can choose how much fuel you want 25%, 50%, 75% or 100%. The trigger system is nice, if the mission builder sets it up right. What I mean by trigger system is you can have a SAM site spawn in at a certain point, like if a jets crosses at line or have a airbase overran.


There are a few things that need to be fixed also, the notch is too big, easy to notch a jets radar. Each missile hit counts as a kill. FC2 runs great on my system which is a dual core 2.4, 4 gigs and a 8800GT I get about over 40fps on the ground and 40+ in the air. The only thing I don't have on high is scenes, mirrors and heat blur. Which I have been meaning to turn them on, might do it tonight if I remember.

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Mine is on DL,i hope my rig supports it!

E8500 3.16Ghz,4Gb Ram,Gtx-280 1gb

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FC2 is a job half done to my view .... I never missed features before FC2. Its very annoying when you have one feature on one version of a software and another in other version. When you know especially that what feature has been abandoned it could perfectly still exist with the new. First time i regret paid for an ED product. There are good points in FC2 for sure, but there are other important points that i dont get why they didnt make it from FC1 ...



btw, detail, in some intermediate screen i saw an Eagle pilot with helmet on, walking towards the jet with no G-suit ? lol

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Squid and Cali:


Thanks for your thoughts. Appreciate it. All in all from what I have read on different forums FC2 can be a real pain in the a..! The more that it gets purchased the more people seem to dis-like it. Too many of the FC1 features are gone. Looking good is one thing but can I or we stand for all the negatives unless there is going to be a patch to fix it. I hear some say there will and some say this the patch for FC1. If that is the case FC1 may still be more fun. I just don't know. Seems like the cons side is outreaching the Pros side. I would like, if I purchase to have the CD version but like I have said it sounds like the closes place to North America will be the E-shop in U.K.. Hope this is not true.

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What features are missing from 2.0 that were so great in 1.12? AMRAAM now has the correct burn time, speed (in 1.12 it was 1000kts too slow), seeker head FOV (it was 180 degrees in 1.12) and it's now resistant to chaff and can be beamed just like a real missile. How about the russian ET, which is IR homing and was able to be launch overridden and had twice the kill ratio of AMRAAM or Adder? That wasn't realistic either. How about all active missiles will track below 10 meters now. No more flying over the ocean to your target not being able to be hit with a missile. How about you can choose the realistic choice of a bird strike if you insist on flying too low, you can lose an engine. That's two things fixed regarding the old 1.12 10 meter exploit. Sidewinder now has the correct range. Before if you didn't fire within 2 miles it was useless. No one carried them. How about being able to choose PRF (pulse repetition frequency) on the F15? That was absent in 1.12. How about being able to fly straight and level towards an incoming missile and just by dropping chaff you wouldn't be hit. There's a video of someone dodging 8 120's in a row using that tactic. That was a 1.12 "feature". It's gone now. How about all the jets now have realistic engine performance and turn rates? In 1.12 you couldn't fly an F-15 at 40k feet unless you used afterburner, it would drop out of the sky. Mig's were able to supercruise in 1.12. That's been fixed. Mig had the worst turn rate in the game in 1.12. Not so in 2.0. Missile seeker heads for all missiles have FOV tweaked as well as fuze radius. In 1.12 I often had missiles come so close that they'd pass within 5 feet of my canopy. That "feature" has been corrected. Some players online used to tweak the LOD's and their view files so they had tally on bandits at 30 miles (that's not a typo). Now that's not possible cuz the jets visibility is tied to the advanced haze. That exploit has been corrected.


I could go on and on but I've flown the heck out of 2.0 since it was released and the above issues were evident the first few hours in the pit. I went 13:3 in the 104th server over 2 nights and only twice did the fight go WVR. In 1.12 WVR was the only way you could kill a bandit unless he was stupid and flew straight at you. 2.0 is conducive to flying and fighting with real tactics. 2.0 is more realistic on and offline than 1.12 ever was.

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It all depends on who you are, I haven't had any problems with it. Yes some features have been removed and some are new. To me, it is 10x better then 1.12. The features that are gone aren't deal breakers. I think they are going to fix a few things when they release the patch to make FC2 and BS compatible, they said it on their forums.

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I know what you are saying and yes everything you said is quite true from what I have heard. I have also heard of difficulties with other things, probably not the important things, as FC2.0 has corrected a lot of the errors we asked for and the patch I would assume will take care of the rest. I am just going by what I have read on the forums. Thanks for a great walk through of the more important issues that have been fixed. This is great info and I do thank you. I guess some of the problems reported are more in the how to mod and get your setups working with FC2.0, etc. and I think most people get this sorted out. Hope they share and continue to share their findings to make it easier on us flyers who have not yet got their hands on FC2.0. I am waiting to hear about a North American release of a hard copy but by end of June if nothing is forthcoming, I will get the download. Thanks again for a great post on the combat of FC2.0!!!

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Every new sim has people complaining about how to mod it, or how to set up their controls. I love how you have to set up each aircraft's profile separately. Granted, a lot of the commands span all the flyable aircraft (F is still flaps, G is gear for every jet). But you can set up different controllers for different jets and different commands. It's not as hard as the complainers are saying. It's actually easier to install 2.0 than it was to install FC1.1. Install LockOn (no need to reboot) and install 2.0. For 1.1 you had to install Lock On, reboot then install 1.1. Then if you were patching you had to reboot before installing the patch. And 2.0 only uses your Lock On installation as a licensing check. Uninstall Lock On after you've installed 2.0. 2.0 is a stand alone product. That clears up several gigs on your hard drive.


The community has busted it's behind to make several important 1.1 mods and tools 2.0 compliant. ModMan for example, most people cannot live without it. I prefer not to. Skypat has updated his fantastic free software. The 1.1 3Go Su-27, SIMMOD A-10 and Gys-Valerie F-15 are all 2.0 Modman compliant. The community is compiling a list of converted 1.1 mods that will work in 2.0. It may take a while to figure out which mods won't work, and some are no longer supported by their authors. For me 2.0 runs better than 1.1 ever did. It's also a better looking sim than it ever was.


If people would quit jumping to conclusions and ask a question, someone who knows the answer will help them. The LOMAC community has always been that way. I just ignore the whiners. Can't please 'em all. But I can tell you that 99% of 1.1 owners will be much happier with 2.0 than they were with the previous version.

Edited by Ruggbutt

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Thanks man, great info. I would also assume that some of the mods are no longer required for FC2.0 as I understand it. Yes the community is always great to answer or help solve a problem. As you say just ask. I am looking forward to flying FC2.0. I also understand that some of the more well done skins and mods will be available soon. Your right, it is just out and it will take time to get mods for FC2.0 but I think they are not as much needed as they were in FC1.1. I have that f-15 of guy's and it is great. Not a mud mover but the A-10 is also there. Doing profiles for different a/c is no big deal like you say. Been playing with that software for years, so no problem dong that as many people are the same. It is new and anything new you need to just suck it up and get used to it. Weve all done it and will continue. Hell BS was no walk in the park. Cheers pal and thanks. Got more info from you tonight than a week looking on forums. LOL.

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exactly as being said here, depends who you are. I am for sure happy that all that stuff regarding the simulation core got corrected and improved. On the other hand personally i miss things that affect the fun for me personally, while they don't for others. I don't know what was the reasoning behind the features that didn't make it from LO/FC1 to FC2 , i can only think that since they could make so extended core improvements and fixes, the parts that i wish would had been transfered from FC1, i have the impression that, were not more harder than all these improvements to retain, why abandon things that never bothered anyone or gathered complains (*) when you upgrade, especially to such degree? just some thoughts, talking only as a consumer, from a consumer point of view.



(*) such as gunfire effects, or loadout / skins / encyclopedia interface etc

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Yes those are real issues. I am hoping that some of the issues you pointed out will be in the patch. Yet for some reason it may have to do with using some of the BS engine. I just don't know. You are not the only one to question these things. I think over a period of time ED will get the feedback and if it is an easy solution, may just see some of the things you mentioned, get fixed. All in all it is great that ED decided to do this update and intends to put out at least one patch on FC2.0. This is more than I think the community had hoped for. Good on ED.

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A great step ahead!!!!!Great game!!!!

It runs on all maxed smooth.

the new ejection sequels with detailed and animated pilot,(expecially the russian) are peace for my senses,pilot lands raise the visor and lock off the mask,wow!

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I had no issues installing it at all. I am running maxed out and it runs awesome on just my lap top. So far I am having a blast with it.

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You will see major FPS improvements in 2.0 than 1.12, my fps went up by 15-50% depending on my alt. You need less mods in 2.0 to make it look good. In 1.12 I had at least 20 mods installed and so far in 2.0 I have 3 mods (F-15, Su-27 and A-10 mods) The terrain looks amazing, the explosives are great, the color is much deeper and the sense of speed is better. Yes, some things are missing, but a lot of things have been added in. The best thing to do is see it for yourself, never just go by what others say.......it's only $30 bucks.

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For the cd version, it will cost most North American users at least 60 bucks. Hoping for a distributor over this way. Right now it will be U.K. end of May. Still worth the price by the way. Looking forward to it and watching the forums in the mean time and watching everyone have a good time.Disappointment for me but worth the wait. I have all the versions on cd. Just me, I would rather have a cd version.

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For the cd version, it will cost most North American users at least 60 bucks. Hoping for a distributor over this way. Right now it will be U.K. end of May. Still worth the price by the way. Looking forward to it and watching the forums in the mean time and watching everyone have a good time.Disappointment for me but worth the wait. I have all the versions on cd. Just me, I would rather have a cd version.


Just burn it to disk and you will have it. 60 bucks or save 30 and burn it yourself. Oh and you don't have to wait either. Its too good to wait until the end of may.

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NOW, that's what I call a darn good idea. I thought that it might be like fc1.1 where I lost a dvd from trying to save it for a backup disc. Putting it in every 7 days takes its toll, but still working thank god. Thanks for that great idea, I guess I will be playing sooner than later. Cheers.



Edited by rattler1

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What are people running theirs on?


I am running it on:


Dell XPS M1530

Windows 7 64 Bit.

Intel Duo Core 2.40 Ghz T8300

Nvidia Geforce 8600M GT

  • X4 FSAA
  • X16 Anisotropic



All settings in game are on high.


NOW, that's what I call a darn good idea. I thought that it might be like fc1.1 where I lost a dvd from trying to save it for a backup disc. Putting it in every 7 days takes its toll, but still working thank god. Thanks for that great idea, I guess I will be playing sooner than later. Cheers.




Thank you sir and glad to have you here at CombatAce!

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It's been a pleasure and I will be around more.


I run on a made system. Windows 7 x64, Intel core 2 duo,2.2ghz,asus gt9600 oc, 4mb ram,500mg hdd,lg flatronwide, x52 and rudder pedals, 500 watt psu, intel p5l mb and artic ice cooler for card also run 120mm case fans(3).Run max settings and average between 30-90 fps sometimes higher at altitude.

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All maxed out


16XQ AA plus multisampling




Via Nhancer (a great tool)



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Where did they say the CD would cost $60?

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That I think was me and yes when i inquired at the E-shop, they gave me the cost to receive the box version from the U.K., It was slightly over 60.00us plus customs and excise tax. As it stand right now from what I have been able to find out. It has to be purchased in the U.K.(closest spot) as at present time no North American distributors have come forward to carry this update. PC games are not the bread and butter of distributors here so not likely to carry update.

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anyone with ATi out there? ....



i7 860

6gb DDR3 1600

Radeon 5850

win7 64


- it seems to run better than 1.12 (which justifies once more the problematic graphics engine of 1.12) but if i choose high scenes in my system i loose decent smoothness and definitely cracks up / stutters has a big impact on fps


- both 1.12 and 2 have horrible tear-ups / waving in this rig. Vsync doesnt affect that at all. I have found that the the bigger the stutter (that i always had with LO/FC no matter what rig i had) the worse the tear-ups / wavings. I suspect this is something to do with ATI probably ... The only way to reduce it has been some graphics.cfg editing about limited max fps value, which reduces although not completely fixes tear-ups / waving but again affects overall feel of smoothness


- FC2 still microstutters when look at the terrain at close-medium distances


- FC2 has a horrible vertical moving banding projected on the horizon which i have found out is related to cloud shadows and not tweak / workaround / mod for this yet


- there was some annoying mix of low resolution textures with high resolution at medium / far distances that had to edit some graphics.cfg entry again to fix






Solutions to various issues i came across i have been gathering here:





- would also be nice to get back somehow the custom loadout and skins options and the 3D there and the 3D encyclopedia, i doubt this will happen though ...

- and i hope someone from the community will manage to get back the ground impact effects at least of gunfire

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Yes there seems to be a problem with ATI cards and it is probably driver related to the card. You have seen the posts , that you have in your post here and they are about the only help you will find for now. There is I and I will say believe that ED is going to put a patch out for FC2.0. When is a ?? Sorry can't help with ATI, I got rid of mine and went back to nvidia cards. Run cooler and drivers seem to work better. Now you ATI guys take it easy on me.LOL.

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This is my second Ati ever ... so far worked ok with other sims, but i am not ruling out either the possibility of swaping it in the end for an nvidia because of LockOn / DCS :P

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