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My computer is dumb!


Last week, my computer ran fine. Nothing was wrong with it. I went to my uncle's wedding last week. When I came back, everything has messed up. My computer has started randomly freezing. It usually happens when I click an internet link. Sometimes it happens when I start something via the start menu. I can't reproduce these crashes, they just happen randomly, but they can be counted on to happen. ctrl+alt+del won't work, and the only thing to do is shut off the power.


Today, my XP logon has decided that I need a password to log on. I only have one user, Administrator, and I have never set a password for it. I have even set up TweakUI to automatically log on without stopping at the login screen, which just confuses the issue even more.




I think I'm gonna have to reformat, but I need to backup as much of my data as possible to my dad's computer. However, I can't do this unless I log on. If someone can help me get around the logon screen, I would be most grateful.


I'm running XP, fully updated.

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I already tried that, it freezes on startup. It'll boot up fine (to the logon screen) regularily, but I can't get the safe mode to boot.

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try take a look at www.g4techtv.com. They have (had) a series of tips called "dark tips", i think, and one of them was on how to bypass the logon codes in XP

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Alright, well, I was able to figure out the password. Luckily, it was a family used one that I forgot to try earlier. I was then able to log in as the default admin. Luckily, again, I was able to find out what happened quickly and fixed that right up. So now my login works, thank god. So now I gotta figure out whats happening with my computer freezing up.

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