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More Cat Pictures

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Hey all.


My wife took this picture today of one of our cats, named "CC".


We rescued her about 1 1/2 yrs ago. She'd been abandoned by her previous owners who had beaten her, and blinded her left eye. CC is such a sweet cat. She's also a polydactyl (six-toed cat). Polydactyls are also called "Hemingway" cats, because Ernest Hemingway had several of them.


Navy Chief

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Cant say that about my own two cats. They are cute though.


This is the oldest and allthough she's quite shy, her favourite spot is on top of my monitors. She is heat seeking missile


sorry bout the quality ... i just have a crappy webcam


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Hey Ghost Dog


I know what you mean about having a cat on top of your monitor. I bought a shelf for my printer to go there, because of all the cat hair I was having to constantly clean off of it!


In fact, I used to have two shelves directly over my computer, but I ended up installing a cabinet to put the stuff in, 'cause my cats kept climbing on the shelves and knocking everything off. Oh, they still cause plenty of mischief; just not there!





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This picture is of "CC"s daughter, "Rosie". I named her Rosie after Rosie O'Donnell, since she's fat. Notice I didn't say, "calorically challenged" Heh, heh.


Rosie and CC are inseparable.


Navy Chief

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BTW: Polydactyl - i know it means many-fingers but is it also the name of the breed?

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Polydactyl isn't actually a breed, but a trait.


I found a really good explanation of it at:





Here's another picture that my wife took last year of my little siamese, "Armand", who died last September; and "Mountain Dew". "Dew", as we call him, was found by my wife when he was a tiny kitten, trapped under a Mountain Dew soft drink machine. She rescued him, and he's the king cat of our house.


Navy Chief

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A very detailed site - thanks.


I'm still a bit curious as to what breed it is though ;)

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OK, too many cat pics. :D


Here's our new addition to the family, we picked him up last weekend. My wife named him Cody. He's just about 7 weeks old...


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Hee hee!


Sleeping (or appearing to sleep) with one eye open. It's the only way to fly. :)

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Damn fine family you've got there ;)

We might be getting another cat in a few days. My wife said that one of the Doc's at work is giving his away and well I dont like to see a homeless kitty. Let you know how it goes.

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You know NC, that sure makes me angry someone would hurt that animal. Putting an animal out of its misery is being humane, but to wound it intentionally for no good purpose is just wrong! Thats not what God put us on earth for. Im am pleased to see though that she sure looks happy and healthy with you and your wife. Well done. My best freind has on occasion rescued horses that were on the doorstep to death, and you should see them now, what fine horses they have become!


Im getting a bit worried about punkin, my calico. I havent seen her in a week now. Hope she's ok. But GD mentioned that his cat likes the monitor. Well punkin would climb up on top of the Armoir and watch me play on the computer. I put an old blanket up there for her and made the mistake a few months later of pulling it down to clean it. Im still cleaning cathair out of my ears and that was months ago... :blink:

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Bad news about the cat I was going to get. It seems that he was given back to his original owner and the A-hole just tossed it out the back door. Cats gone and I hope it finds a home or a safe place as it was de-clawed. The I ronic thing is that it was a doctor that did this. Oh well, do no harm applies only to people I guess.

I know who I wont be going to see for medical treatment.

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I hope your calico shows up. Most of our cats run freely outside during the day. At night, we call them, and they all come home.




Check with your local rescue group. Am sure they could help you get another cat if you are looking for one!


Navy Chief


P.S. The kitten in the picture is one of our rescue kittens that will soon find a home. Her name is Sunni.

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