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"Clear Sky" question for FEG

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I'm using All new "Horizon" .tga's for my FEG install. But, why does the new "Clear Sky" only show up sometimes? Why does the default "Clear Sky" Still show up if its no longer in the "Flight" folder?. The new Scattered, overcast, etc, etc always shows. Just not the "Clear". What gives? How do I get rid of the stock "Clear Sky"?. That solid horizon line is driving me crazy! .... but only sometimesgrin.gif


I know FEG is a thing of the past, but I really like it still. So I'm still messing with it. I have way too many things in my install to just transfer it all over. Plus I have a second install for only Austrian, Italian, and Russian aircraft (skins). So needless to say, It will be a long conversion to FE2 for me. Not looking forward to it.blink.gif

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I have that problem too Quack. I'm using Panama Red's sky mod. Somtimes the game just loads the default blue horizon band. Why? I have no clue.

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