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Is SF2 may 2010, with the stock P-51D (flyable) and the spit, is a suitable platform for WWII air wars?

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Now that's a good question... I would also love to see the answer as well... as I am considering turning the non-flyabe Spit into a Flyable one...

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I am considering turning the non-flyabe Spit into a Flyable one...


THAT takes all of 2 seconds .... but as with all AI-only designed aircraft, it needs FM work to be more 'usable'. But it IS cool to have, even it it ain't perfect


It's missing the centerline droptank, however. Probaly could adapt the 75 gallon 'stang tank (conviently provided by TK), but it might be missing the attachment arms. Haven't check as of yet


Now, if I could just figure out the animaiton numbers for the canopies... and convert them to manual keystrokes....



kevin stein

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