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von Baur

Multi-monitor setup

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My son's computer has died and until we can get a new one I have two19-inch flat panel monitors available. Though the optimum arrangement would be three I thought I'd try running OFF on two just to see what it's like. unfortunately, I can't seem to get a resolution bigger (wider) than 1280x1024 in workshop and whenever I set one to that the other resets to 800x600x16 and I end up with that resolution on only one monitor, the other displaying my desktop. I've got a Radeon 4670 video card and each monitor is connected to its own output (one DVI and one VGA). They both work and I can get OFF on either one, but as stated, only one at a time. Any ideas? Bear in mind I can't afford a new video card or a third monitor, so I have to make it work with what I've got, if possible.

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The ati 4000 series cards dont support multi screen gaming and your best bet would be softTH, but you need two graphics cards with softTH.


Your best bet is to sell the 4000 series card and replace it with a 5000 series with have eyefinity features. Also, you will need a third monitor, dont waste your time with two monitors because the bezel goes right down the middle and your gun sights are a mess.

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