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Tail no's decals help needed!

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Hi there,i've got a little problem related on serial numbers decals:


I've done all the sets numbered from TailNum000 to TailNum014

than I've done the numbers list and put into texture related folder in this list all the numbers are in progressive sense


I've seem all the decals structures in other models and did the same


Launch a game and see all the list available


decals are showing correct but me and my wingman sports both the same number!


Is it related to the VERY_RARE availability put into data.ini?

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No, that's (probably) related to you setting it in your decals.ini as a DecalLevel other than 2.


Quick refresher :

DecalLevel 0 is for Nation specific decals (or static decal)

DecalLevel 1 is for Squadron specific decals

DecalLevel 2 is for Plane specific decals

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Guest rscsjsuso5












to me , i believe this is correct is that you need to the sequence of 2 for decallevel and 3 for maxlod to get your numbers to show up . this is suggestion


try something differnt rather than very rare but rare or common


if for my case i use your decals it would be something like this




DecalLevel=2 ---- i beleive the this is fine the way it is as gunrunner has pointed out


FilenameFormat=SU-27K\Chinese\D\tailnum ------ make sure your's is correct for either series 1 or 2 game skin folder configuration and the way you like to set it up with the decal folder.




DecalMaxLOD=3 ---- this might also need to be adjusted


this is an example and make sure your decals are done corectly because i've done some and they don't show up correctly or blead in color.

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I had all on decal level 0!

Now set to level 2 and go!


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also, if useing LESS that 18 tags, don't use a numbers.lst. Keep it in the folder, just rename it to 'xnumbers.lst'. That'll force the Game Engine ™ to recyle back when it hits the end.


Had that same issue with some other skins (WW2 historical, that there were only 6 aircraft in the unit)



kevin stein

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