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For the first real-world use of it...

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...I've cracked open my Airman's Manual. Burned my left hand on an oven rack baking up some pizza at home. Kind of freaked out a bit cause I never had this kind of an injury before. But I saw my Airman's Manual on my kitchen table and quickly went through the SABC part of it. Sure enough, it had a section about my injury and how to correctly treat it. With some improvisation on my part added to it, I'm feeling the least amount of discomfort as possible. Might consider adding my improvisations for the next new addition of AFPAM 10-100.

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Don't you just love the crispy sizzle you hear while getting third degree burns? MMMM. Seriously though couldn't you just rub some dirt on it?

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Don't you just love the crispy sizzle you hear while getting third degree burns? MMMM. Seriously though couldn't you just rub some dirt on it?


Wish it was that simple... and its 2nd degree burns. The only thing I was hearing was how loud I was cussing. I think I might have inadvertantly declared war with Vulcan with my colorfull metaphors.

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Second degree burns? I've had hot wings that give 2nd degree burns. mmmmmmm

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Dave, you're a pussy. :lol:

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Dave, you're a pussy. :lol:


Damn straight I am! Why do you think I joined the Air Force and not the Marines :grin: I ain't going to lie, that b**** f'n hurt! This happened 2 hours ago and it still feels like its on fire when I take the ice pack off. Holy F bro, this is worse than when I had scolding water poured on my arm in basic during KP.

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2 weeks ago I was BBQing some kebabs with metal skewers. Well I went to turn them and just grabbed the end to turn it. Totally forgetting about that the metal is hot. Yep, instant brand. Had to of been 3rd degree easily. Here's my sign.......

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Well right now I'm alternating with the ice pack on and off to see how bad the burning sensation is. Its becoming a bit more manageable. Probably another good hour and I wont need the pack... hopefully cause I got some more grocery shopping to do...

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It's funny where you find yourself using SABC.


Back late last year, we were driving back from Houston when a pickup lost control about 200 feet in front of us and rolled several times. It even got airborne...so I wasn't expecting much left when I got to the driver.


Surprisingly though, he was actually intact and awake...he had worn his seat belt (about the only smart thing he had done...we suspected he had been drinking). The only injuries we could see were some cuts on his arm where it was hanging out the window. Anyway, myself and an off duty policeman were able to take care of what we could via SABC...until the local medical response was able to arrive.


Glad to hear you still have your skin....



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