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those wretched EV's

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Hey all....finally made it thru a campaign far enough to CHANGE PALNES.....just imagine. Was assigned an EV and found it so twitchy I lost the number of my mess the first sortie. Dialling down sensitivities on the stick had almost no effect and I was still all over the map....dead easy shots totally whiffed.....control changes became stalls..........Yikes....thought I was better tnan that....anybody else augered in like this noob with an EV...or am I effing up my control settings somehow??? Thanks...GAW

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I killed more pilots on that one in the start - I understand that it tends to be a wee bit tricky to learn to fly it.

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It is only slightly worse than the N28.



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are you really talking about the Fokker E.V, the late-war German parasol? or the E.III, which is an early war wing-warper? (if you do a forum search you'll find other threads on the Fokker E.III)


the E.V feels pretty good to me. it has a pretty abrupt stall, and there's not much warning to when that happens. but if you put the nose down and apply some rudder it recovers quickly.


it's worth remembering that the E.V uses the same engine as the Fokker Dr.I so if you're trying to fight the enemy you can either try to climb with them or turn with them... but not both. the SE5a, the SPAD XIII, Bristol Fighter all have more horsepower (some have almost three times that of the E.V!!!) so I remember this-- because my aircraft's engine will "tap out" long before theirs! the E.V gains it's speed from aerodynamics rather than horsepower. if you climb after something don't expect to catch up with it! it's better to lure the Allied energy fighters into a turning battle and then climb above them.


don't follow Allied E-fighters into a zoom-climb. this is a trap that you will never escape. you need to anticipate when an Allied fighter will try to zoom... conserve your energy. when I tried following them in zooms I always stalled out before I could even fire a shot. when I held back from trying to match their zoom climbs I did much better. as long as I was below and behind them it didn't matter if I couldn't match their zoom-climb... because sooner or latter they always have to come back down. it just means waiting a couple of extra seconds. they usually have to turn when they've bled off all of their energy... because to go into a straight descent would be crazy. fortunately, going into a descending spiral is good for the E.V which can keep up with the SE5 and SPAD in tight turns providing it's not TOO fast. if they drop down into a 200 mph diving turn leave them alone!


against the Sopwith Camel I've shot them down (almost) effortlessly by going into fairly mild left-hand turns and keeping my speed up. the E.V easily over took them with high and low yo-yos. it enjoys about 10 mph advantage over the Camel... so use that speed to win your battles.


it IS twitchy, but the problem comes from flying lots of very docile British aircraft OR expecting the German parasol to behave in the same way as late-war German fighters with inline engines. it sounds like you need to amp up your "rotary engine time". I've put in hours and hours on the Fokker E.III which is, in many ways, good practice for the E.V. the Fokker Dr.I is also a good "lead in" plane for the E.V


the Albatros D.Va is rock-steady because of the inline engine, as is the Fokker D.VII and the Pfalz D.III (which is so rock-steady it flies like a rock! :p )


once you get used to it the Fokker E.V is actually pretty good (for a rotary engined fighter.)



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grin.gif The Fokker E-V is a twichie at best. I end of rocking left to right or vice versa when shooting. no flying steady and fireing. As Kurtz stated, she is a slow kite in one fight (before my pilot got killed by 2 SE s) a Spad 7 out ran me. Salute.gif

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