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Question about postion lights!

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Hi Modder friends,

i just saw this video of an FS2004 Bird:


My question is now, is it possible to have such a flsh effekt

of the Position lights (in beginning of the vid) in SF2 too??? :dntknw:

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the strobing??? You could put 2 lights on the same spot, and white and a red, and have the white a fairly bright (0.35 - 0.55), CanFlash=TRUE, and give it a long delay time. Start at 2.0, and see what it look like






Position= 0.06,-5.63,1.03

LightSrcOffset= 0.07,0.07,0.0






(these are postions off the mustang; obviously different for a mirage)


worth experimentating with. YOu can even have the left and right flash at different time by adjusting the FlashTime= to whatever your want (2.5 on right, 3.5 of left or whatever you like)



kevin stein

*I Hate Electrical Work!!* (old mechanic joke from an old mechanic!)

Edited by Wrench

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