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To ID(io)T team - AVIA S-199 "open mesh" problem.

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I made white Czechoslovakian decals and put them on fuselage but there is propably "open mesh" problem looks like bleeding decals on nose and tail. So if you could repair LOD file, would be great... :salute:

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You can export with or without decals. One gives you better frames rates but you can get decal bleed, the other can make it more frame rate intensive but it will give you the bleed. So its an either, or situation.

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Roger. Thanks.

Edited by Kulbit80

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Has anyone else seen this dark line extending from the tail section to a point on the ground? I've never seen such a thing before. It's dark gray and semi-transparent. I only see it on an external view. As I pan around the aircraft, it appears and disappears. It looks like an artifact from the model-making process.


Is this fixable?

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There is a hole in the mesh of the lod. He needs to be filled by the person who made it.

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